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  1. Z

    word up

    i'm zer0. nice to meet you all. this is my first attempt at growing marijuana, however i'm a recently retired small scale mushroom grower. i feel spoiled on my first attempt because my friend gave me clones that appear to have phenomenal genetics. anyway. thanks for having me =) - zer0
  2. Z

    when to flower

    haha. no worries. thanks for the tips. let me just make sure i have this right. i can begin flowering anytime i want, keeping in mind the plant will likely double in size, so i should do it according to space constraints?
  3. Z

    when to flower

    i started off with a few clones that were already rooted when i got them 4 weeks ago. I'm using soil and a bunch of CFLs. I stayed away from nutes based on the advice of a friend until a couple days ago. i am using some 8-7-6 miracle grow. i got the clones from a friend that grows so i assume...