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  1. R

    Need help sexing, are these male parts?

    Yes this is a Bert not a Betty... Pollen pods are quite apparent. If you have any girl plants, you need to seperate them. If all your plants are like the pict. you have an all-male crop.
  2. R


    Hermi's can be very sneaky. I found that they 1) Are aggressive growers, 2) thick stocks and stems (overly thick) 3) If you remove a bud (even small one's) and peel back the leaves at the bottom of the bud you may observe small swollen sacks ( I presume they are full of pollen) and...
  3. R

    Clone of Clone mutation?

    Yes, there appears to be genetic wildcards that can show up in generations grown from clones of clones. (dominate and recessive genes, and mutation at work) I have plants (3-4th generation) that have NEVER been around male plants that have a clone strain that is hermi, while other clones are all...
  4. R

    What causes a female to turn into a hermaphrodite ??

    Kept one healthy, big, mother plant in veg state for about 9 mo. took all clones from her exclusivly. Had great results and started cloning from 2nd generation 3 generation and forth gen. so on always cloning desirable charistics - - growth rate, size, shape, health ect. (there is variance) It...
  5. R

    explosive seeds

    Just a follow-up to my prediciment, it turned out the all (ALL!) the seeds were male.... all 12 + They are all now in repose, serving as a source of nitrogen for the ladies.
  6. R

    explosive seeds

    Thanks to all --- have moved plants to within 4-8" of light depending on heat. They are doing quite well except 50% were male-- I do have a problem that's got me scratching my head though. Several of the plants have turned yellow--- leaves ALL uniformally turn yellowish. Grey and brown dry dead...
  7. R

    shroom experts?

    It's good to know what your buying. The cost of a hit of LSD is about 2 cents to make, while growing the real thing (mushrooms) takes time and expertise. I have seen so many guys with bags of Safeway brown mushrooms I've lost count. These are the shrooms your mommy puts on your hamburger...
  8. R

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    -------------------------- Phenom 420 Would it be asking too much to ask you to cite your sources (note : Citing 'Fux'. as a source is an automatic abatement of your "opinion") concerning Obama's spending and your amazing info on ethnic voting? You do realize that Bush never reported his...
  9. R

    explosive seeds

    You are correct, they cracked and grew tight into the paper towel in 30 hours. I wasn't going to check them for another 18 hours but because I knew nothing about them, I checked early and had I not they may have been 6 inches long. We go to the Saturday Medical Marijuana meetings and at a...
  10. R

    explosive seeds

    Errrr Ahhhh Not so fast...... please.. Now that they are all in the vegetative media and buried such that there is about 1.5" sticking out of that media (they are still in the Jiffy Pellets), do I still need to cover them ? When I took them out of the p. towel, I put them into Jiffy Pellets and...
  11. R

    explosive seeds

    Hey ! Thank you all for your quick and most likely a reprieve on these ambitious plants. I'm overwhelmed with the speed with which you all helped and Thank You One and ALL.:clap: In several weeks I will give you a win / lose record. The idea of going right to media never crossed my mind as I...
  12. R

    explosive seeds

    Fluorescent Day Glo, I have grown much of my vegetative under these 10 tubes. Excuse my mistake there, the seed donor told me the seeds were from a Silver Haze plant. These seeds gained all their length while in the paper towel, it has only been 24 hours since I put them under the tubes. So, I...
  13. R

    explosive seeds

    A friend gave me a dozen seeds and mentioned they were from a Silver Haze male, and germinated very quickly. OPPPS ! Using the paper towel method I took my first look after 30 hours and 3 out of the 6 had the dicot leaves on top of a 3 inch stem. Tiny leaves and long stems. I buried them as...
  14. R

    Sounds fishy

    I have multiple large (75 gal) fish tanks. They stay clean via filters which collect most of the uneaten fish food, fish droppings, fish urine. I wonder if anyone has used the contents of one of these filters for feeding/fert. your plants ? I would start with a 10:1 clean water to fish residue...