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  1. SoILLProvider

    SUPER quick/easy question for anyone that uses/has used GH 3 part

    I've always used either lucas formula or 1-1-1 ratio. As for the question on dosing...can we talk in terms of PPM? Dont always mix nutrients on manufacture directions. How big are the plants? If they are little seedlings with one set of leaves I wouldnt give them anything unless they look...
  2. SoILLProvider

    What did you order from The Attitude Seedbank TGA Subcool Seeds March Free Offer?!

    MK ultra kushberry LA Woman Rocklock whiteberry pinapple express Blue mystic Free it got white syberian, super critical haze, and blue hash...
  3. SoILLProvider

    Who's BLUEBERRY should I grow?

    dutch passion BB sucks my balls...sorry dutch but damn! over a four year period BB seeds were ordered twice...reg seeds...all of the females hermied both times!! WTF?! oh and they also stole BB from DJ short...sooo they only answer here is DJ short...
  4. SoILLProvider

    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    they always give free seeds...recently its been from dinafem and they are great! I've been ordering from attitude for years...always legit and they usually come within 7 days
  5. SoILLProvider

    Is this from overwatering?

    you never want to water when the lights are off. During the dark period whether its in veg or flower, the roots become more active and also uptake oxygen. This can also lead to bacteria forming. Water before lights out and when they come back on
  6. SoILLProvider

    2000watt electrical ?

    agree with whats above....are the 1000w's digital or core? 240 or 120v? A ballast running on 120 draws nearly twice the amps as running 240