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  1. B


    you're probably gonna want a single 400-500watt hps light
  2. B

    Starting a warehouse, Need HELP

    yeah I am no pro but I would say at the very least you will need 2 rooms setup, 1 for veg preferably 18/6 lighting on a timer, an 1 for flowering 12/12 on a timer. Move your vegged plants to flowering when ready an keep refilling the veg room! unlimited supply as long as you have seeds, or you...
  3. B

    noob grower needs some assistance from a guru

    I have a "friend" who is going to be having some fun with plants. After doing lots of research I feel I have a good idea of what is required but still have a few final concerns. In a 10'x10' room for maximum yield is it ideal to go with a large number of pots (25-40) an grow the plants to a...