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  1. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    OK... What a day... I harvested my babies today, the smell was so strong even when I leaft the house, the smell is stuck in my nose, and the sticky resin,, what a mess. again I have never seen fresh weed in my life so I don't know how it should smell, my harvest didn't smell like the dried and...
  2. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    the rest of the buds look normal all leaves are intact and looking OK, but I still get that funny smell
  3. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I cut that funky bud off, the rest of the buds look normal but I still get that funny smell, is my grow savable? or is it gone? Please advise as I have read very scary stuff on smoking moldy weed...... :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  4. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Today I noticed a very strong smell, I'm not %100 sure what it is (burnt sour smell) when inspecting I found one of my buds has sort of a cottony fuzz around it... is this rot? Please help me, I'm freaking out here, what should I do... Pic attached circle around fuzz)
  5. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I read somewhere that when growing in soil the plant shouldn't be watered before harvesting and you should give it 24hrs of darkness before you cut down, does this apply to hydroponics?
  6. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Spot on NinjaOZDuce it's 9.5 weeks in flowering and 14.5 weeks from planting, wow I started my grow last year ! Isn't that a little long? maybe its the strain... I have tree plants in my AG, two are (Swiss intruder - Heidie's pussy) and one Northern lights, but I messed up which is which...
  7. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    OK,, today I used my magnifying thing for the first time, and almost 75% of Trichomes are amber on the colas, and cloudy on the rest, so I decided to start flushing. Does my timing sound right? Should I harvest the colas since they're ripe but not flushed? Some Pics
  8. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I came across a famous YouTube clip which I'm sure you've seen...... this lady had one plant in her AG and it looked amazing, much better than my grow ever looked, and she had no extra lighting no airstone no fan, using tap water and AG nutes!, and she was one of the reasons I decided to start...
  9. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Thanx for the advise SICC, I actually felt a sense of irresponsibility stopping my grow "short" and I let a close friend in on it, so he will be taking care of my ladies while I'm away.. here are a few pics (week 9 flowering)
  10. carlosamigo

    it's been 10 weeks now....12/12 cycle PICS!

    Dude, I'm EXACTLY where you're at! and am getting very impatient with my grow... what happened to you're fan leaves?? I never snipped anything off my grow, should I take them of? Cheers:peace: link to my grow journal
  11. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Hello Everybody, Exactly 8 weeks into flowering I'm in a hell of a tight spot here, in two weeks I have to go on a trip for 4 weeks, my babies are not ready yet, and there will be no one to take care of them, so all I have is two more weeks of grow... should I start flushing now? or keep...
  12. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    OK. I did what SICC recommended, but I couldn't find any mylar so I got some 0.8mm stainless steel sheet (first picture) it reflects light much better than foil, and got some liquid nutes (second picture) my PH is 6.2 I noticed that the growth of bud is not equal, I am certain that some buds...
  13. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    OK, after checking.. I have three 26 watt warm light bulbs (yellowish) and one 127 watt natural day light (white) plus the AG's pro 200 hood does that sound sufficient? you're correct, I am loosing a lot of light and I'm trying to find a solution for that Love your party cup thread, beautiful...
  14. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I'm using more than the AG's lighting sorry I know nothing about wats and HPS, I attached a pic, does it look enough or should I add more?
  15. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    It's and Indica/Sativa by Swiss Intruder called Heidi's Pussy, I got those from a small shop in Geneva Switzerland... the photo will explain why I chose this strain..;)
  16. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Just an update of my babies, IMO very slow progress, is there anything I can do to make this faster? :wall: I'm 5 weeks into flowering, and ten weeks from planting seeds.
  17. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    If that was the case, wouldn't that effect the other three plans in the AG ? (I'm no expert here, just thinking out loud)
  18. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Thanks guys for the advise, I left all the leaves as they are, in my inexperienced opinion I think they look "acceptable" given the fact I'm using AG nutes :spew: My PH is at 5.8 after flushing for a week I used 1.5 AG tabs (large) and top up my res with plain distilled water, there are lots of...
  19. carlosamigo

    Cannabis Capsules???

    In Egypt, they do something similar, they put a small piece of hash in Turkish coffee, they call it "Kkankah" and maann.... IT IS FU*#ED UP kanakah will get you high in a couple of minutes, but it's a very different high (not nice) sort of a delusional vertigo with nausea and it will last for a...
  20. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Hello everyone, (this has been a very long week) Ok.. I'm three weeks into flowering, I just started nuting them after a week of flushing. I noticed that they are very bushy, with lots of fan leaves, should I trim thees, how do you choose which ones to trim? any suggestions? Some pics of my...