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  1. HoochiePapa

    Indoor/outdoor clash help

    interesting... hope you dont have floaters where you live, couldn't do that here...
  2. HoochiePapa

    Indoor/outdoor clash help

    lol Hoochie
  3. HoochiePapa

    Bringing in outdoor soil youngsters into hydroton under lights, any ideas appreciated

    I have a twin lamp grolux 40w a few inches above tops now, maybe in a few days they can go under 400w MH, its been 5 hours since they were plucked from their mud bucket, haven't drooped yet, I expected them to be unhappy at this time...
  4. HoochiePapa

    Bringing in outdoor soil youngsters into hydroton under lights, any ideas appreciated

    Added pics up top, unfortunately my mate had them in a pot with other plants, and I lost a lot of the root system, hopefully in 2 cubes and misting they will live? I slit the sides of the stem with a razor and put clonex on cuts and roots... is this worth doing or not? Thanks
  5. HoochiePapa

    Bringing in outdoor soil youngsters into hydroton under lights, any ideas appreciated

    thanks blonddie, I will get em tomorrow and test it out, well done :) I will be using a drip system in hydroton, aero sounds good though I'm all set up.. Yeah that's what I was thinking Psclone Stick her in the guts from 1 side :)
  6. HoochiePapa

    Bringing in outdoor soil youngsters into hydroton under lights, any ideas appreciated

    Ummmmmm, I think there 3 or 4 weeks from seed, maybe 3" tall, I don't actually have them yet, I got back from Cambodia today and my mate said I could pick them up if I wanted them. I think he planted them when I left 3 & a half weeks ago. Thanks Psyclone, my thoughts were to put em...
  7. HoochiePapa

    Bringing in outdoor soil youngsters into hydroton under lights, any ideas appreciated

    Hi fellow growers, I just came home from an asian holiday and have a mate willing to give me his babies from outside... Any1 have any thoughts on how I shoud do this... :confused: Should I remove all soil from roots and gently transplant into a rockwool cube to eliminate any...
  8. HoochiePapa

    Just harvested at 101 days, say ur bit

    Perfectly dried & weighed... 50 grams on the dot. I have probably smoked around 10-15 prior to harvest in past 3 weeks... so arounnd 2 oz
  9. HoochiePapa

    How is this for the first Grow?

    shorter ones look nice mate :) My hydro man tells me "Don't judge a plant by its legs" :P
  10. HoochiePapa

    600 hps 42 days flower... what do you think

    hows the 400 go for veg, pretty good growth? If I plan for 2 months of veg with a 400 MH and 2 months 600 HPS do ya think the growth could be too much for myt area? I'm really interested in the SCROG method, love the thought of a screen of bud... all with max exposure to my lights (:
  11. HoochiePapa

    humidity ?'s

    looking good buddy, in 6 weeks time u'll be 1 happy mofo lol, 1 wasted sun of a ho u will be (:
  12. HoochiePapa

    humidity ?'s

    pics??? Maybe check your roots, check in the deepest part of the bud for fuzz. Those %'s are pretty good though, I got up to 95% a number of times and had no problem. If you were concerned then maybe have a fan blowing at the tops, that should make a big diff in moisture content in the buds...
  13. HoochiePapa

    my technique

    Yeah I have heard of this mate, I heard if you put them in the freezer for a bit it will peel right off perfectly later, didn't think it would come off at room temp, good stuff cant waste the best part, I just harvested my plant and the small amount of hash I got off my scissors(pea size ball)...
  14. HoochiePapa

    600 hps 42 days flower... what do you think

    Thanks shaman, I flushed about a week I think, can't wait till next grow. I think you misread my post GardenMan :) I want a 400w MH for veg as I stated above "I want a MH... maybe 400w for veg" My thread title displays the lighting used for flower :) I vegged with cfl's 46 days, flower 600hps...
  15. HoochiePapa

    Help Its An Emergency!!!!!!!!!!1

    She'll be right mate, well in my grow I just finished temps often enough would get up to 130, sure they got unnhapy here and there and 2 out of three turned hermie lol, the one that lasted turned out pretty good. Most of the time my temps were in 90's & in general they kept growing happily...
  16. HoochiePapa

    WTF is multi-vapor?

    As far as I know Multi vapour simply mean Metal hallide just a different name for it. I simply googled this mullti vapour thing when I saw you unanswered thread for you as a favour for something to do coz I was really stoned :), I have no idea about it really, at a guess it prob just takes MH...
  17. HoochiePapa

    600 hps 42 days flower... what do you think

    MY setup while using cfl's was like in the pic... no lights above only side slighting though slowwwww... this is day 44 from seed. Maybe it was partially due to my inexperience (slow growth) as it was my first grow. The can reflectors seem effective though, I think I got the idea from the...
  18. HoochiePapa

    600 hps 42 days flower... what do you think

    rdenManThanks Ga I used flairform nutes, no a&b just 1 bottle veg & 1 bloom. My cfl's were in there for veg & I was gunna use them for flower though didn't bother coz of major heat issues. I will take them out and put them in my veg room once I come back from holidays... yet to make this room...
  19. HoochiePapa

    My uterus is for sale, any1 want a thrashed uterus

    Not taken' the missus? or is that a given. Good on ya mate, they wouldn't see you too much I guess with your hours... good man :) I have a month off too, got cheap flights to Singapore/Vietnam/Thailand & Cambodia... only $850 each can't wait
  20. HoochiePapa

    My flower room

    get bigger hps light mate, flood lights? they would be hot as fuck and very little lumens, atleast get a 400/600hps for that room and forget the other lights :)