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  1. Porky B

    Brickedups...... Octaine 2011 goin big......

    Looks like someone is going to have some trimming to do! Good Job! :clap: you have an interesting mix of plants. :weed: I like it!
  2. Porky B

    California Bud Porn!!!

    Here's my submission... Purple Gorilla - two weeks left. Got to love the California sunshine! Porky
  3. Porky B

    Let The Trimmin' Begin.

    You would have to live all the way out in Michigan! :wall: Why couldn't you live out here next to me? You can be my buddy and I'll let you trim for free! :-P
  4. Porky B

    Let The Trimmin' Begin.

    Thats the one problem every grower wants to have! :D It does suck! But in a good way. I'll be trimming for two months solid this year. :sad: - :D - :cry: Like Gollum from lord of the rings - I both Love and Hate trimming! My precious - :weed:
  5. Porky B

    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    That's really what its all about isn't it? Time, money, planning, preparation, preventative measures - all the stuff that happens before the grow! New growers always think it's the special things you do while a plant grows or finishes that makes it turn out so good. But I am learning more and...
  6. Porky B

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    Thanks! Next updates might be a few weeks. :sad:
  7. Porky B

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    Thanks man! I have some really over protective dogs so I am not worried. No one gets pass them. One of them is part Coonhound, and man!.....what a racket he makes! (He treed a bear the other day!) :-P good luck on your grow as well. Porky
  8. Porky B

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    The garden is coming up on the home stretch. If nothing goes wrong over the next few weeks and if the weather stays nice we are going to have a sweet harvest! There is going to be a lot of chopping to do! The Space Bomb plants are starting to look nice. They are a full month...
  9. Porky B

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    I agree! The Pig Pen won't really shine till the end of October. Uploading pics of Hog Heaven as we speak..... (god I hate dial-up!) :cry:
  10. Porky B

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    We finished building the greenhouse frame for the backyard and we have a cover waiting to go on it. All the plants in the backyard have at least a month to go, so they will have to be covered quite well. We could get a bit of snow by the end of October. :mad: But I am hoping our luck will hold...
  11. Porky B

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    The weather has been really good this year! With the exception of a few cloudy days (like today) it has been almost all sunshine and clear skies since mid June. Just a few more weeks till the first plants start coming in. :-P
  12. Porky B

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I thought I would take a moment and share my outdoor SCROG with all of you. Sometimes people get too hung-up on one type of grow style or technique - indoor vs outdoor, LST or lollipoping, organic vs hydro and so on, but these are all just different tools in the tool chest. A good workman...
  13. Porky B

    What do they teach in British schools?

    They do have an excellent course on witchcraft and wizarding! :-P
  14. Porky B

    The Budologists Grown Journal. TGA Movement

    Don't be too hard on yourself! Thats how you learn. ;-) There is a lot to know, and a lot that can go wrong. It's all those - should of, shouldn't have, wish I had, wish I hadn't - moments that make you a better grower. I am still learning new things myself. And still make mistakes. It's a...
  15. Porky B

    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    Wheezer your buds are looking very sweet and healthy! From what I can see - it doesn't look like you need to worry too much more about feeding. Your entering the home stretch. Worm jerky's - hahaha. That really made me laugh! "Hey, whats this in the trail mix?" " don't wanna know!"
  16. Porky B

    Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

    Awesome! Very nice color!
  17. Porky B

    I spilled a full glass of water into my computer!

    Thats classic! Nothing like a sticky fluid all over your keyboard. Makes me glad I just spilled water and not soup or soda. :p
  18. Porky B

    I spilled a full glass of water into my computer!

    Good call SocataSmoker! I never would have thought of using rice as a desiccant.
  19. Porky B

    I spilled a full glass of water into my computer!

    I hear you. And I fixed it. :smile:
  20. Porky B

    I spilled a full glass of water into my computer!

    Wow! What a great guess! That is exactly right - the p180. You know your shit! As you can has a vent hole thats perfect for pouring liquids in. :shock: Knowing how sensitive computers are to static electricity I am amazed at how much abuse they can take.