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  1. J

    Not growing?!! Help w/ sour diesel

    yea, before flower. It has a main stem of only 8 inches then about 10 stems rise about 2 feet. It just really looks immature and the pistil arnt changin and it doesnt seem to be hurt by any nutes i give em. Ill just keep checkin it day to day.
  2. J

    Not growing?!! Help w/ sour diesel

    whats goin on. Ive had a great harvest so far. Started w/ 10 plants (7different kinds) and have gotten to my last plant which is sour diesel. It has been topped like crazy and has great potential. The problem is that its about 75 days into flowering and still looks immature w/ tons of...
  3. J

    Help w/ Drying and curing!!!

    hey, whats happenin. I have dried and cured 2 of my 10 plants so far but wasnt too impressed. My plants are about 65 days into flowering and are all about 2-3 feet tall. Since they arnt that big a friend told me to cut the entire plant and hang it up and dry. My first plant was nice but the...
  4. J

    Ready to chop?

    Yea...trichs are about 30 % id say....just not sure how quickly they change since im seein those pistils.... Ive been flushin for about a week too. Probably goin to chop the one that is almost completely yellow and give maybe 2 more days w/ the other... Any ideas or other suggestions? You...
  5. J

    Ready to chop?

    whats happenin!!! i have 2 purple kush plants that have been flowering for 62 days now. One has eatin itself and is almost 100% yellow and the other looks a little behind as far as the yellowing in the plants go. I heard that purple kush finishes early but there are still plenty of piltils...
  6. J

    Harvest Time!

    thanks for the info. How would i take a look at the trichomes without taking nugs off? Ive heard of cutting off a leaf thats coming out of the bud, w/ crystals on it, works ok. Any suggestions? I would like to flush at the right time too. Start flushing when the plant yellows and begins...
  7. J

    Harvest Time!

    whats happin!!! im currently 45 days into flowering w/ 10 plants.. 7 diff strains. Everything is goin great. My purple kush and my diablo kush seem to be finishing alot quicker than my others (mostly sativa). I bought a microscope and know what to look for on the tricombs. I think i will...
  8. J

    Advise / suggestions when flowering?

    whats happenin!? I am currently on my first grow but have had plenty of help from a good friend that knows his shit. I have 10 plants under a t5 8bulb, large closet, and a HO air filter. Everything is running very smooth and i have all the nutrients i need. I am using all Fox Farm. Soil...
  9. J

    Help! Scrog for One plant

    whats happenin! I am currently 30 days into flowering. I have 10 plants in a large closet and all the ladies are lookin great. The problem i have is that my sour diesel has been topped like crazy and is leaning too much..seems unstable and might be stressin itself. I was thinkin of doing a...
  10. J

    transplating plants

    appreciate it. always good to learn somethin new
  11. J

    transplating plants

    would anyone know how to tell if you get root lock from not a big enough pot? or should i not be too worried about that since their into flowering and arnt growing as much root as in veg?
  12. J

    transplating plants

    thanks. happy to get answers when you need em. Peace
  13. J

    transplating plants

    Whats up... Im currently 10 days into flowering and the ladies are lookin great. They are growing fairly large now all about 2 feet in height. I have them in 2 gallon pots to try and keep them closer together under my t5 8bulb light. They are healthy but was wondering if there are signs of...
  14. J

    When do i cut clones/ trim bottoms of plants when flowering?

    I am currently in day 5 of my flowering cycle. When is it a good time to cut the lower branches to give more growth to the top bud sites? Clones? I am also wanting to transplant my girls into larger pots as they are getting huge!!! How do i go about transplanting without hurting the girls...
  15. J

    show me your T5 buds.

    I am using a t5 8bulb. workin great. My friend has more experience than me and has the same set up. He just harvested 2...yes 2 nyc diesels and had 10oz harvested!!! And it is lie. I can try to find some pics for you but from a little experience, the t5 8bulb has proved worthy...
  16. J

    CFL lighting

    I am using a t5 8bulb light system which hads worked great. A friend that has helped me with my setup uses the t5 as well and had one or 2 day bulbs with 6-7 warm bulbs for flowering. Anyone know if this is good to have maybe one or 2 day bulbs in with the warm flowering bulbs during...
  17. J

    Watering? Wrinkled leaves?

    I am on my first grow but have a lot of help from a friend who is an expert. Have a nice t5 8 bulb set up in a large 200 cf + room. Temps 65-78 (perfect) and humidity staying at around 40-45%. All of the girls are doin good except for my largest purple kush. It hasnt perked up in a couple...
  18. J

    Fans and odor control

    i333t, it is about 7 feet high and about 224 cf. I know you have a suggested filter but should i go with somethin that says its good up to 200-300 cfm? or is every 5min still good rather than cfm?
  19. J

    Fans and odor control

    I am opperating in a large closet.8' by 4'. I have looked at charcol filters and have found some nice ones for about 200. Anyone have suggestions on what i should get? Peace
  20. J

    Problems with a little white mold

    should the soil be almost completly dry before waterings? I usually do every other day since the friend watered them and seem to be keepin them happy since. Would it be just as good if not better to use distilled bottled water? some type of spray?