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  1. freddybear

    New to Growing

    I hear you dude. I'm growing in the green isle too. Pain in the ass. The cold snap damn near killed my ladies. How you holdin up? how close to harvest are you?
  2. freddybear

    Best deals thread UK/Ireland

    Bumpity bump!!
  3. freddybear

    Phosphorus def?!!

    thanks for the replies people! I went home for christmas there, just came back and the poor dears were nearly dead! some leaves were completely dried out! I've given them a nute/epsom mix and drenched them. lets see how this plays out! I'll up some pics in a few days when they recover (here's...
  4. freddybear

    Phosphorus def?!!

    It was only a matter of time i guess!! Struggling throught this grow (My 1st) but here it is... the new problem. Possible phosphorus def/toxicity... Watered and fed lightly every 2 days with Indoor plant food (Broke as fuck and it was best i could get my hands on). half dose of 7:7:7. This...
  5. freddybear

    Too late to FIM/Top?

    Cheers Rollmeupscotty! Some straight forward advice there! nice one. Cheers EverythingHydro but it says page not found. No worries. I've found a few useful threads on RIU. Cheers ppl!
  6. freddybear

    Too late to FIM/Top?

    Hey, Just wondering if it's too late to FIM or top my girls. They're only a few days from going under the 250w HPS for flowering. They've been quite sick :spew:the last few weeks (Overwatering followed by mag def) so i've been too scared to do anything with them. Also what are the benefits or...
  7. freddybear

    "Rusty" Leaves

    Bump! Anyone? How long do I have to wait after flushing before I feed them again?
  8. freddybear

    If you could smoke with one person . . .

    Stephen Fry.
  9. freddybear

    "Rusty" Leaves

    Update: So I took all your advice and tid-bits and added some cal-mag. They seem to be doing a hell of a lot better now! Thank you so much for all the help... There is however a new development in the ongoing saga that is this grow! :wall: All three have started getting very pale and turning...
  10. freddybear

    Best deals thread UK/Ireland

    Where'd you get your lights?
  11. freddybear

    Best deals thread UK/Ireland

    Found this. Not bad I guess...
  12. freddybear

    Best deals thread UK/Ireland

    Do you guys know where I can get a Y splitter lighting socket? it looks like this. I don't need them to go directly into a socket like the one pictured, just the fitting. They seem to pretty common...
  13. freddybear

    Best deals thread UK/Ireland

    Nice one spliffbazz... I never thought they could make a plug board "Christmassy"... I stand corrected! :D
  14. freddybear

    Best deals thread UK/Ireland

    Looking for all things cheap, cheerful and even most importantly...local! Ordering stuff from the US is a bloody nightmare. It takes weeks, costs a fortune and when it final arrives we have to pay fucking import duty on it!!! :wall: I found an ebay shop that seem to have some nice deals. I'm a...
  15. freddybear

    red rust colored spots

    I had something similar. sounds like a magnesium deficiency... Are the tips curling/turning brown?
  16. freddybear

    random thought of a diy grow box...

    Pics or it didn't happen! :lol: Doin somethin similar myself... well as soon as my plants recover from their traumatic bout of neglect! :dunce:
  17. freddybear

    "Rusty" Leaves

    Legends! Thanks guys! I'll let you know how it goes!
  18. freddybear

    "Rusty" Leaves

    Just noticed the tips of the new leaves are turning brown... This can't be good! Cheers doc... would disolving cal-mag suplliment tablets work? I live somewhere where botnicare never heard of! :)
  19. freddybear

    "Rusty" Leaves

    I was using just potting soil. I transplanted them to potting soil/Perlite mix yesterday. Without sounding like a total buffoon... how do I rectify this? How do I add the calcium or magnesium? Bear in mind I'm a total novice... and a bit short in the common sense department! By the way thanks...
  20. freddybear

    "Rusty" Leaves

    Thanks for replying! I'm still waiting on my ph tester to arrive... sorry!