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  1. C

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hey J belly long time no hear i dont know if u rember giving me advice on the little mites and powder mildow...but if i by a dehumifier does that solve my problem?...i dont wanna buy someing i dont need...My plants are covered with white power mildow and i can see little little bugs...
  2. C

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hey Jberry Sorry Late response my Humanity Level at night is 51 percent and temp is always at 68 degrees, Also I tryed posting a pic but dont think it is going thru am getting a new computer and try post new pics, But 2 of my stains levels are turning kinda goldish like burnt or something...
  3. C

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hey Jberry Sorry Late response my Humanity Level at night is 51 percent and temp is always at 68 degrees, Also I tryed posting a pic but dont think it is going thru am getting a new computer and try post new pics, But 2 of my stains levels are turning kinda goldish like burnt or something...
  4. C

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hey JBerry Long time no here, i wonder if u can help me I been noticeing power Mildow on my leaves i went to a local grow shop and bought some sprey i been spreying it and 6 days later it comes back. My Hyminty level in the room is around 40-60% and temps in the room is 65-74 %. I also just...
  5. C

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Jberry Thanks....Am go by big bud and only use for 2 of my 5 plants to see if i notice a difference....when is the best time for big bud am 5 weeks in to veg and was thinking of flowering soon... Is it better to wait for 8 weeks before buding or does it not matter...?? And is big bud the...
  6. C

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Snowwhite/Blowseed I have been reading all youre post and I acually just registered for the site...But i have been using Coca A and Coca B to fead the plants...Plants have been under a MHD light for about 5 weeks...Should I add anything to these neutirens like big bud or something or do i just...