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  1. S

    Ed Rosenthal Super Bud

    These are all Pics from my Uncles's grow on October 2, 2010... That is ONE...I REPEAT ONE Ed Rosenthal Superbud Plant!!! Unfortunately shortly after these pics were taken someone decided to help themselves to her (the plant that is)!!!
  2. S

    Harvest time?

    Seriously...check out FDD2BLK thread!!!
  3. S

    Will this thicken or whats up??

    You can just cut the buds off and leave as many leaves as you can on the plant and leave it under 24 hour light and it'll bounce back...that way you get to sample the "real" bud once it's reverted back to veg, grew out a lil more, then thrown back into flowering...I've ran across that and the...
  4. S

    Will this thicken or whats up??

    thats defiantly a reverted plant...those 1 petal leaves along with the ill-formed curling and all out weird growth is a sure fire sign of some type of reverting back to veg...meaning they were flowering then somewhere (for like a couple of weeks) there was some type of light "modification"...she...
  5. S

    FIRST GROW!! 40 Plants...20+ Top Shelf Strains...1 Man (VIDEOS...PICS...COMMENTARY)

    lol...yea right...nothing is free! In California you can have clones delivered to your front door...literally!
  6. S

    FIRST GROW!! 40 Plants...20+ Top Shelf Strains...1 Man (VIDEOS...PICS...COMMENTARY)

    First video and set of pics are from May 6, 2010...your sound is not broken...i was a lil shy the first time around These videos are from July 9, 2010
  7. S

    FIRST GROW!! 40 Plants...20+ Top Shelf Strains...1 Man (VIDEOS...PICS...COMMENTARY)

    The first Video and set of pics are from May 6, 2010...I was kinda shy about talking so there is no sound...actually there's no voice from me! Like I said in the title this is my FIRST's mostly for the experience before my all out grow next year...