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  1. D

    Hermaphroditic Feature or Calyx?

    Pleased to report that although there are bananas popping up occassionally and I can see one seed so far, there's a lot of killer weed in there 'cause i microwaved a popcorn bud and it blew my mind :D. Would not recommend DP Feminised Blueberry though - loads of people, myself included, have...
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    Short-term Control of Mites

    Well that's interesting IVIars, let us know if it worked please (although it seems a little superstitious to be true :D) What I ended up doing was spraying with a small amount of natural fatty acid insecticide, which seemed to work somewhat. Then I misted the f*** out of the plant 3 times a...
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    Short-term Control of Mites

    Any advice on how best to control spider mites while my neem oil is on its way (4-5 days)? I'll be spraying the affected plant with rainwater around lights on/off and trying to squish the buggers but beyond that I'm not sure what I can do. They've already butchered two fan leaves. Oh, and for...
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    I know someone who kitted his new-build house out with skylights rather than windows and they allowed a disappointing amount of light in. Some of it would depend on your latitude though.
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    can a female still be pollinated if the hairs are starting to turn orange?

    Why not just clone it and try to force the clones back into veg'? Edit: I've had a reasonable (maybe 50%) success rate and re-veg from clones I've taken a week before harvest.
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    Stalk Peeling after Nute Lock?

    I'd love to show you a photo of one of my main stems. It's twisted 360 degrees in the middle of the plant and another 90-180 degrees further up. The stems cracked profusely around those twists. So long as the cambium is fine the plant is fine. If there's nothing oozing out just don't worry.
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    Twisted leaves Arjan UltraHaze

    I'd also say it's a pH issue. That's exactly what my Blueberry looked like when I had a pH of 8-8.5. I lowered it just in time and the fan leaves never fully recovered, but the buds are perfectly fine. Doesn't look like you've gotten any significant lockout though so if it is pH related you...
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    Twisted leaves Arjan UltraHaze

    Not sure... Might be due to your low post count. Just upload on photobucket, or another similar site and post us the link.
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    Need a way to create an air tight door...

    Try expanding foam around the edges.
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    All my Mothers got left in the dark, Sorry Mom!

    If it's only one day I really wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure one single day of volcanic ash clouds over all of Africa wouldn't cause all the native Cannabis spp. to flower immediately.
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    Twisted leaves Arjan UltraHaze

    Pictures would help. From what I hear some strains are prone to having oddly twisted leaves. Much like my DP Fem'd Blueberry - I read numerous posts, before I bought the seeds, from people who have had twisted leaves on the strain. A lot of my leaves bend off majorly to the side but it's...
  12. D

    Plants drooping, only two weeks old!

    Sounds like the pots they're in are too small if you need to water every day. Underwatered. If you were to prop them up with something and water immediately you might save them, but if the stem bends and the plants are flat on the floor it's probably too late. Pictures would help.
  13. D

    300 watt Halogen Bulb at 2900k?

    Don't go anywhere near halogens for growing. I have halogens as ceiling lights - four small 50W bulbs in a line. The white paint on the ceiling burnt brown within hours of putting it up and the room is the only one I don't need a heater on in during most of the winter.
  14. D

    Newb trying to figure out what's wrong, help greatly appreciated.

    You might be on to something with your diagnosis on humidity as it looks like quite the sativa. All I can say is that's pretty similar to how my plants have looked when the temperature was too high.
  15. D

    Leaves gone :(

    I gave my plant to a relative to look after, which got 70% through flower and then completely eaten by the dog. I share your pain. Haha. Learnt your lesson there, eh? In my experience you probably could save it, but it's easier and faster to pop another seed.
  16. D

    White Flies or Spider Mites or Combo w/ Nutrient Burn? (New High-Res Pics)

    I think I replied to your last topic too. They definitely are better photos, but I still think you're overly concerned :). My EJ foliar feed causes a similar speckled look on the leaves and it doesn't seem to do any harm.
  17. D

    They have gone hermie on me?

    What little balls? I've had hermaphrodites, and I can't see any pollen sacks on your plant. Put an arrow or something over the structures you think are pollen sacks and we might be able to help a little more. I think I have a hermaphrodite now actually, and I posted a topic on it yesterday...
  18. D

    ready to go get something to fix this. what should i pick up?

    Looks okay to me. Some calcium or magnesium might help, dependant upon the contents of your other nutrients and what water you're using. Personally I wouldn't even worry. What's one leaf, when it's too far from the light (from the looks of things) to be any use anyway? Plus you're well into...
  19. D

    Browning leaves. Help anyone , pics included .

    Seem fine to me buddy. If this is your first grow then try not to over-love them too much if you get what I mean. I'd be surprised if they actually needed ANY nutrients right now, although I'm not sure what you've got in your soil. I certainly wouldn't be using nutes yet. Those bottom leaves...
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    Too Much Azatrol?

    Looks like it got caught in your fan or under something while you were moving the plant. As for the spot on the first picture- that could be anything. Usually in my case it's a small drop of nutrients which I accidentally dropped on a leaf while watering the soil. You worry too much ;). Good...