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  1. 5ourdiesel

    Fucking Animals!!! Dont use fish hydrolysate outdoors!!!

    And please dont tell me how to spend my money. what i spend my money on is my business. i have had my lapua for years and i dont waste 300 grain bullets on neighborhood critters unless i want a hefty jail sentence. im not actually going to camp out and blast animals, im just pissed was...
  2. 5ourdiesel

    Fucking Animals!!! Dont use fish hydrolysate outdoors!!!

    Why thank you sir. Because we all know how stupid it would be to post a registered weapon on an open forum such as RIU
  3. 5ourdiesel

    Fucking Animals!!! Dont use fish hydrolysate outdoors!!!

    Bastards!!! I have had excellent luck with fish hydrolysate in tea, but dont use it directly in your soil. I had a slight N deficiency in flowering so i wated to use just a tad bit as to not stunt flower production. I should have known something was up when yellowjackets almost instantly started...
  4. 5ourdiesel

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    that bitch needs some light, 400w at least. looks like a bit of overwatering, although it may resolve with more light
  5. 5ourdiesel

    male or female

    When you have a male, you will know for sure. If you can't tell just wait it out a little more. The male pollen sacs aren't ticking time bombs like everyone makes them out to be. They take some time until they are mature enough to burst. You will definitely know if you have makes way before the...
  6. 5ourdiesel

    Venus Fly Trap - Anti pest properties

    Pitcher plants would work way better. The flowers are shaped like vase filled with sap that draws insects in where they drown
  7. 5ourdiesel

    smelly dehumidifier venting isue

    leave the dehumidifier inside and let it vent in the room. place a carbon filter right next to the hot dehumidifier exhaust and place an inline fan a few feet downstream of the carbon filter. vent the hot stinky air that is pushed from the inline fan outside. problem solved.
  8. 5ourdiesel

    Need a low odor strain

    grow anything purple for low odor, pure indicas usually smell way less than sativa. bubba k would be great too with low odor. also keep your humidity way down. invest in a cheap humidifier and be sure to empty the water down the drain. you will be amazed at how much odor the water catches. i...
  9. 5ourdiesel

    can you keep an autoflower alive and continually budding all year round?

    THanks everyone! Im glad i didnt have to find out the hard way
  10. 5ourdiesel

    can you keep an autoflower alive and continually budding all year round?

    Then why are there so many grow journals of people who plant in feb and then have a first harvest around may, and then have a second or third harvest at the end of July and sept? Do they just fall flat on their face at this point?
  11. 5ourdiesel

    can you keep an autoflower alive and continually budding all year round?

    I'm new to auto strains but am currently growing an outdoor onyx...i had 10 feminized seeds of Onyx. I planted 5 outdoor but only one turned out to be female. The outdoor is doing good but I started it way too late, its way to small for the middle of july. Due to space, there is not a single...
  12. 5ourdiesel

    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    How has your appetite been when your not high? Sounds a lot like gastroparesis- (from wiki) The most common symptoms of gastroparesis are[5] Chronic nausea Vomiting (especially of undigested food) Early satiety Other symptoms include Palpitations Heartburn Abdominal pain Abdominal...
  13. 5ourdiesel

    Space thread what they didn't want you to see

    Good points, but what ab hundreds of thousands of jobs that were created in the private, corporate, federal, and international sectors? Someone would slip. If Apollo was a legit mission only to have been fabricated by the addition of a fake moon landing as a last ditch effort to claim victory...
  14. 5ourdiesel

    please help!! dual hose ac and co2!

    A lot of dual ac's are not perfectly sealed. The easiest way to find the leak would be to run a smoke test and see where the smoke is escaping. You can also go down to almost any grocery store and buy dry ice for a few buck and then put it in water. If your ac is indeed leaking through small...
  15. 5ourdiesel

    Highest THC Content?

    This video is cool and all if you have no idea how to load a gc, but there is nothing unique here about the process... though i am curious as to what internal standard you used in this video. every gc analysis on bud is done exactly this same way, though some choose whether or not to weigh out...
  16. 5ourdiesel

    Highest THC Content?

    You can't just pack solid bud into a GC... You use a solvent such as methanol as a wash and inject the liquid solvent into the injection port septa via syringe into the GC. Also you can't just throw in a sample and get a % without loading an internal standard for comparison. Here is one...
  17. 5ourdiesel

    30" tall in veg, ok to top before flower? im worried about running out of space!

    how many nodes off the top would you recommend?
  18. 5ourdiesel

    30" tall in veg, ok to top before flower? im worried about running out of space!

    long story short, i had to go out of town and left the girls with a buddy who took good care of them. the problem is, six of them are just under 30" in 3gal smartpots. strain is critical mass so its a giant strain. my space is 5x6x8' with a 1000w. im thinking of topping them to avoid having...
  19. 5ourdiesel

    High Humidity Argh!

    you need a dual hose AC if you want to keep your co2 in there. an AC will act as a dehumidifier
  20. 5ourdiesel

    Chances of Getting Females from Regular Seeds?

    just got 18 regular critical mass. i germed under an 8 bulb T5 20/4 cycle.18/18 germed and only had 5 males. the ratio should be a higher female to male ratio than 50/50. regular seeds are way better than females. you dont risk the chance of hermies like you do with feminized. people get so...