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  1. L

    Master's quick drying technique.

    I just wanted to say thanks for the post. I used the method with the jar but used my electric stove. Wow what a difference between doing it this way rather than microwave or oven. I got f'ing stoned and it didn't taste like I had to keep spitting. Thanks again
  2. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    Yeah I'm going to harvest tomorrow night. I'll keep the light off all day and harvest in the evening. Been using water/ water and molasses for past week and a half and will give a good water flush tonight. Took a sample last night and quick dried with jar on the stovetop and got pretty damn high...
  3. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    Mold! I found mold growing on my main cola. I know I can't smoke it but is it safe to make hash with? Would I have to make ISO hash? Seems like all that hard work for nothing.
  4. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    That's cool. I will make another reassesment in about two weeks when I pull the other one. And post what I have at that time.
  5. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    I'm not sure the strain. It's bag seed. How long should I wait? I've only seen harvest advice that says to look at trichomes to know when to harvest. But what to do when there are none? Also the leaves are very brittle right now.
  6. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    Thank you. I will start water and water w/ molasses today. I have another concern. My other plant. Same 10 weeks into flower. Most pistils are red but there are no trichs at ALL. I don't want her taking un-needed space that would be better utilized for my other one. I've attached some...
  7. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    Flowering for almost ten weeks now. Still using fox farm schedule. How much mollasses in a gallon of water?
  8. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    The only scope I have is a 15x -not enough- and a 60x-100x which is impossible for me to use because it is so small and my hands shake like a mother.
  9. L

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    Hello all, I attached 5 pics of my girl. number 4 is of the trichs Not sure if they look clear or cloudy to me. Any thoughts on how the plants and/or trichs look? How long do they (on average) take to get a little amber? Have not started to flush for harvest yet. Thank you so much