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  1. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Man my goal DST is to crack a nug as good as you doin, iv only eva managed to get half the quilty and yeild as yours ,this next 1 im doin is lookin promising tho ill try get sum pics up 2nyt:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
  2. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    What up Club long tym no see. Im trying out sum G13 and white widow on a NFT system woundering if any1 eles has done the same??
  3. hairyrabbit

    Top Fed Drain to Waste Journal (12 OG) Looking GOOOOOD!

    How to i give you REP Nipples?
  4. hairyrabbit

    Top Fed Drain to Waste Journal (12 OG) Looking GOOOOOD!

    Lookin good so far pal ,I've always beena fan of the run to waste system .How far along are you now and what PPM do you run your nutes at?:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
  5. hairyrabbit

    what ppms are you running in your res?

    Hay man its totaly up to the strain iv learnt sum strains need weak nutes and some require heavy fedding there is a great guide on this site called "Leaf symptoms". my advice would be start low and work your way up i wouldnt go higher then 1500ppm tho:joint::joint::joint::joint:
  6. hairyrabbit

    Why Does My Ph Go Up Every Day? Will I Ever Stop Adding Ph Down?

    Hay man im using some clay balls in a NFT system and find ph is always raising as well,it seems pretty normal to me its just what happens best cure is bigger resevour. my leaves even had the same leaf curl as you haha very much simalar ill try post pics
  7. hairyrabbit

    Has anyone used DR. Greenthumb seeds?

    The columbain hgreat strain iv only tryed indoors but 4/5 for stonage 5/5 taste (personal Prefrence this may very 4 u), i can't realy comment on yeild as mine got stunted and had a early harvest due to a heat problem
  8. hairyrabbit

    Has anyone used DR. Greenthumb seeds?

    I havn'tnot got anything iv orderd
  9. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Sup guys long tym no read .nyc lookin grow TCM04 wats that strain u pumpn out?
  10. hairyrabbit

    Green Crack 2x1000w 4x8 tray Rockwool grow

    Thanx man :-P
  11. hairyrabbit

    Green Crack 2x1000w 4x8 tray Rockwool grow

    How did green crack adopt it's name is because of the stoned affect or just the look of the bud?
  12. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Heres some update pics of the solders 37 days in to flower they not up to there optimum look as they are laking in potash which i am gna incorporate in ther next water 2nyt or tomorro. The plant with the sad looking leaves...
  13. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Thoz looking lush green as DST thos seeds or cuts?
  14. hairyrabbit

    How to build an easy DWC reservoir for little $ + perfect nute solution + PICS!

    Howzit man, i've just started reeding up about this DWC system and by the looks of things on this thread its great . Couple qustions tho #Do the roots allways sit in water and if so is ther a depth limit? why do you use a pump to put the nutes in instead of just straite tiping them in?
  15. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: I know this got nuthin to do with weed but its funny as reminds me of so many of my buddys and ill bet it reminds you of yours
  16. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Thanx DST & Jigfresh for your guys in sight greatly apprecated. ;-)Yea i see what you mean about if evrything eles ant near perfect you not going to get much of a increase yeild .As well as i don't think im gna be able to shut off my outake as its all ways full tit to stop it from geting too hot...
  17. hairyrabbit

    Green Crack 2x1000w 4x8 tray Rockwool grow

    Primo Grow and set up man ++A im subscribed gota follow this looks like your in for great harvest :-D
  18. hairyrabbit

    New grow: day 12 veg (First grow journal)

    I brought i tent and the silver cost 100bux more then white so ild say SILVER is the more reflective
  19. hairyrabbit

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I see waz u wer talking about the othe guys grow
  20. hairyrabbit

    Has anyone used DR. Greenthumb seeds?

    DR GreenThumb is the man great seeds and the price is allgood for the quality of the seeds and strain .he's also won a hightimes cup this year.Im currentl growin some columbian skies of his heres couple pics they are small as this is how i wanted them not cause thats the way the nturaly are.