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  1. williebacker

    Burning leaves is good?

    Any kind of reflective material ?
  2. williebacker

    Canada’s Leader Offers Antidrug Plan

    I would, but a piss test could be right around the corner! This fucking sucks. Got a fresh sack, from a fresh harvest, and can't smoke, worrying about a freakin job! This sucks.:cry:
  3. williebacker

    Canada’s Leader Offers Antidrug Plan

    I get to reep Ronald Regan's policy on Randon Drug Testing. I work for the DOT/FAA and have to really watch when I smoke. It's screwed up to think that the only time I get to smoke is when I know I have at least 10 days to clean out. Which doesn't come that often.
  4. williebacker

    This sites safety

    Well said Drizzle and NGT. "ALL HAIL ROLLITUP"! Thanks for giving me a safe place to come and check out some of GODs greatest herbs. :blsmoke:
  5. williebacker

    This sites safety

    If it's legal to brew your own beer why wouldn't you be able to grow your own bud?
  6. williebacker

    I need seeds

    :roll: :roll: Ohh you wanna sell grass?
  7. williebacker

    Budget Bud!!

    Damn dem thangs is bushy for some bagseed. Lets hope they're girls! And I agree with Johnny, chill on the water for a bit!