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  1. redeyejones

    my grow

    this is my 2010 grow. simple with good results is my goal. the last 2 yrs. ive done just bag seed plants and now have graduated to my first clone grow. Hope all goes well, this is a pretty cool site, any positive or negetive feedback is cool, i do want to do this right. thanks for checkin out...
  2. redeyejones

    cali. M.M. noob grow

    ive done organic in the past, this yr. is a smaller crop, so i wanted to get very good results. ( not that organicly cant do it)
  3. redeyejones

    cali. M.M. noob grow

    this might be a dumb question but can i buy clones that are ready to be put in ground. ive never done clones before, ive always planted abunch of bagseeds and hope for the best. thanks, any help on starting clones would be appreciated. i obviously plan on planting in april(late april)...
  4. redeyejones

    cali. M.M. noob grow

    got a buddy doin some kush, that pic looks pretty nice. ill see if i can get one. thanks for the imput
  5. redeyejones

    cali. M.M. noob grow

    is subcool the brand name, thanks, remember im kinda a noob at using real stuff. iv always just grew with natural dirt and Marical grow.
  6. redeyejones

    cali. M.M. noob grow

    how would rabbit shit and pine shavings work. i have a big pile of that mixed in with fireplace ash. i know the ash is good but wat about the pine shavings. any info please, i want to grow f-n trees man
  7. redeyejones

    cali. M.M. noob grow

    Thanks for lookin, technically this is my 3rd season but first grow after discovering this site. My past years havnt been disappointing but they were mostly organically grown and after seeing some pix on here, I had to learn how to use nutes and what kind, so any "helpful" info would be...
  8. redeyejones

    The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!

    we get tip top u like carbon filters, but not everybody grows like u. use ur imagination and picture somebody with only 2-3 plants in a closet or a cabinet. shit man. ur so proffestional, u shouldnt have evan posted. next time u run across somthin like this, read the first post, u obvously dont...
  9. redeyejones

    The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!

    wow. im just a noob but ive been searching and learning alot on this site. the guy was just throwin out an idea( although did kinda sound duechy) just being honest. but still isnt that what site like this is for, puting out ideas, if u dont think it will work dont use it. its guys like tip...