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  1. alreadytoken

    Cloning Question. Different media

    what is your flood cycle bird?
  2. alreadytoken

    Cloning Question. Different media

    maybe put the rockwool in hydroton pebbles in a grow tray?
  3. alreadytoken

    rockwool to hydroton

    Did you mean rockwool cube? not hydroton cube? just want to be sure
  4. alreadytoken

    rockwool to hydroton

    I am plannin on doing the same exact thing as you are. I have two 3x3 tables on a 100 gallon res. with that small of a res your gonna be adding and adjusting nutes and ph alot. Id move up to a bigger res. The bigger the better. But do what nlx says cuz the roots will grow out into the tray and...
  5. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    room temps stay around 71f to 75f and 55% humidity. Im not sure about the res temp cuz I gotta get a res temp gauge this weekend. Still no roots, and the bottoms of the stems are turning brown a little. Im gonna give up soon if they dont start to recover and come back to life. Next Im gonna try...
  6. alreadytoken

    Cloning Question. Different media

    can i run a flood and drain table that uses rockwool as a medium?
  7. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    Pics i took tonight (day 3) there is more white stuff on the stem today but i sprayed it off with a spray bottle. I have 2 cfl bulbs on these 8 clones. added 30mL to 3 gallons of water of clonex. very small amount. Leaves are still drying and wilting so i am spraying them a little with water.
  8. alreadytoken

    Cloning Question. Different media

    You guys who clone into rockwool just keep the plants in rockwool then?
  9. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    Do you have a page on how you do it? or maybe youd be so kind as to give me a run down of what you do? id really appreciate the help. Thanks.
  10. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    yeah it is a home made wing with mylar on it. ill try 2 bulbs on. check back tomorrow and ill put new pics up and see what you think.
  11. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    10 clones but only 8 are surviving cuz i broke one of the misters so one corner isnt getting water.
  12. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    dang. i have wayyyyy too much light then. I have 8 cfl's on them. I think they are 13 watts but still. I will take 5 of them out so i only have 3. Sound good ya think?
  13. alreadytoken

    Cloning Question. Different media

    Hey guys, quick question. I am currently using an aero cloner and its my first time using it and so far after 2 days things are doing semi ok. Little scared though. I'd like to have a plan B though. Alot of guys seem to have good success with cloning in rockwool, so if I were to do that...
  14. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    What exactly is the dark period? and yes i can turn it down below 1 min. I am contemplating 3 options. Add a little clonex solution to the mix, switch the timer to 15 sec on 5 min off, or just let it be. What do you all think? I am also gonna spray the leaves with water to try and get them...
  15. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    I took them from the bottom of the plant. My mother plant was monsterous. should i take smaller clippings next time or is bigger better? And BTW i think that the white stuff might just be salt buildup, so im just gonna let it do its thing and not worry about it. Does salt buildup hurt a plant?
  16. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    No nutes in cloner. Any other ideas? How are they lookin? looking sickly is normal for a few days right?
  17. alreadytoken

    Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner

    I am not sure what is happeing, but this is after day 1 of clippings being in aerocloner. Can you tell me what the white stuff is around the neoprene holders on the stem of the plant? And any comments you would like to make is appreciated. This is my first experience with cloning and i'd like...
  18. alreadytoken

    just need a few tips and advice incase im doing something wrong take a look at this

    screw scotts. scotts soil sucks. Try to go to a garden store and pick up some fox farms soil. Ocean and forest works so well. then just add some veg fert mixed in with your water. but not till they get a little bigger.
  19. alreadytoken

    Autoflowering or Preflowering?(with pics)

    im using fox farms ocean and forest soil with botanicare pure blend pro for veg under 400 watt mh and then kool bloom by general hydroponics for flower under 1000 watt hps. been working very well for me. strain is some kind of cali outdoor. not for sure tho.
  20. alreadytoken

    Which hydro system makes most sense for me?

    Hey sutra grow, why do you cut the leaves on your clones?