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  1. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    Round 3 I bought two y-splitters, two bulb-to-outlet adapters, CFL bulbs, PVC pipe pieces, aqua globe pack, digital surge protector with built-in timer, and a roll of foil tape. I dremeled a hole for a PVC drain, which will connect to both growing trays. I also hot-glued the y-splitters and...
  2. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    I feel like a fool now. I thought I was going for convenience buying the 1.5A so I could hook up all my devices to one cord, but I should totally have thrifted a couple 12v chargers instead. Still haven't wired it up, so should I see if it'll work fine like this? So the 12v charger itself...
  3. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    I scavenged the the fans from appliances around the house, so I'm not sure about their individual mA. Is there a way to check this?
  4. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    I definitely agree. I'll pick up 4 bulbs at the home depot tomorrow, and I can pick up the flowering bulbs a little later. I don't know how I want to position them, any ideas? I was just going to run light bulb adapters through extension cords, better suggestions...
  5. H

    Odor Control question

    Instead of messing with bags by the fans I was thinking of just adding cups of activated carbon right by the plants. Can I just add it into the soil?
  6. H

    need ideas for a new grow room

    If you're set on doing a closet grow it would be helpful to check out your local thrift store. They always seem to have some heavy furniture pieces around.
  7. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    Alrighty, so round two of the mini-fridge epic. After thinking about the complexities of it I removed the fridge's motherboard and power cord. So to run my fans now I have a 1.5A/12v dc cord. I'm running my wires in parallel, which blows. I couldn't sleep last night so I just stayed up working...
  8. H

    Temperature Question

    What if it was 50-ishF during the day too?
  9. H

    Keeping Beneficial Bugs?

    I am in the process of building a small grow space that should be pretty low maintenance. With that would it be helpful to put in an earthworm or two and some lady bugs?
  10. H

    Closet Stealth Grow question

    If you can handle the increased heat from the 400w, why not buy it?
  11. H

    Temperature Question

    It seems to me that everyone tries to keep their MJ around 75F... Are there consequences to growing your weed in the lower end of 50 degrees?
  12. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    I don't photoshop very well. I remembered today that I got a really crappy laptop cooler for $10, anywho I figured since I'll be needing fans to go ahead and pop those out. I did; albeit with some problems. I'm sure some superglue can put the missing blades back with the body... The end...
  13. H

    Intake/Exhaust Ratio

    What about stacking two exhaust fans on top of each other? The 76mm exhaust is in a hard to reach place, I was thinking that if I just slapped another fan on top of it things would be a-okay? The red line indicates where I would stick a bigger fan like an 88mm or a 120mm. Since the 76mm is...
  14. H

    Intake/Exhaust Ratio

    What is the ideal ratio of intake to exhaust fans? For my micro grow-box, currently I plan on two 88mm intakes and a 76mm exhaust. since I'm going to be cutting into my mini-fridge I thought I might as well make the most of it and put as many fans as possible. Also, the exhaust fan is inside...
  15. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    Okay, I have pictures! Picture 1: Fridge (16.5"; 14.25"; 12.25") Picture 2: Cut out interior plastic shelving on door Picture 3: Used box-cutter to open a small hole in corner --I need a dremel to finish cutting holes Picture 4: Exposed circuit board; taped wires went to cooling element Picture...
  16. H

    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    Hey Danielsgb; If I use a CMH bulb what wattage should I get? I'm using it in a micro grow (16";14";12" approx)
  17. H

    Mini-Fridge Grow-Box (currently building and I need help and advice)

    I'll have pictures up tomorrow. Anyway, I am in the process of converting my working mini-fridge into a stealth grow-box. I figured that this would be ideal since it already has a removable tray which would be ideal for LSTing. I haven't yet decided which sort of light set-up that would work...
  18. H

    Roto-Grow Journal

    Wow this is totally excellent. Sub'd. How much time a day do you spend with your lucky ladies? Outside of nutes/bug-control/algae-control, are you performing any sort of physical maintenance with your plants?
  19. H

    PC Grow Box Question.

    Hey all, Question. I'm preparing for my first PC grow, and I was wondering do I need two fans to make things work properly for intake/exhaust? And if so, do I need to install one of the fans backwards so it will blow air into the case?