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  1. C

    Guerilla Growing

    The most important advice is ALWAYS PICK A REMOTE SPOT WITH FULL SUN. Thats if you can find such a spot.
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    Time to Prep For the Spring?

    In regard to checking on your plants. In depends on if you start the seedlings indoors or outdoors. If you start them indoors it will give them a much better chance of survival. They will be able to go longer without water. It also depends on if your putting them in the ground or pots. Tell me...
  3. C

    Am I going to get busted or am I just Paranoid

    Wow amazing buds man but yeah that does stick out like a sore thumb
  4. C

    Boy, Girl, Both?

    hermie gl with the rest of your plants
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    plants got mowed over :(

    I hate to burst your fantasy bubble but there are murders killing people everyday, people dieing from starvation, children being molested by adults and other terrible shit. It has been going on like that since humans have evolved on this planet. So to say that growing on private property is...
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    What do you think of my outdoor

    Big Bloom can be used in veg and flowering. It contains very very small amounts of NPK. It contains "vitamins, amino acids, natural growth hormones, enzymes, and beneficial organic microbes. Our special, micro-brewed formula incorporates earthworm castings, bat guano and other high test...
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    What do you think of my outdoor

    yeah they would def explode if you put them in the ground or big pots
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    Inverted's 20+ Female Bushes!!!

    I think you will get more then 2-3 pounds. I would guess that you probably have at least 2 more months of growth by then there gonna be monsters GL with the grow man.
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    bugsssssss help!!

    I have seen these on my plants before but they didnt do any damage so i just pick them off by hand if i see them.
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    Check this SHIAT out!!!!!

    That is one sexy male plant
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    Rain Rain Go Away!

    Im having exact opposite problem in the midwest. We were getting rain all the time now were getting nothing and its a real pain to have to drag water for 20 plants. I'm also using Fox Farms soil and nutes. I need some of your rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    keepin the kritters away

    Use either chicken wire or fishing line that is the only sure fire way to keep them away
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    Soil and Enhancements

    Superthrive is not a nutrient. It is only used when you want your plants to develope a better root system or if you are trying to save a plant that is about to die. I'm not sure about your soil but soils like foxfarms have nutrients already in the soil. After like a month once your plant is...
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    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    They might be rootbound. If they are you need to transplant very soon.
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    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    I'm looking forward to the pictures. In the future you should probably try to avoid using a white trash bag. It might not be a bad idea to cover it up with some sticks and brush.
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    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    Wow it looks like you have really stepped it up a few notches. I can't wait to see how this goes for you looks like you're on the right track.
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    Start of Outdoor 08

    That one looks a little stretched you might wanna make sure its getting at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. Also it is better to underwater than over water.:blsmoke:
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    Damn Animals Helppp

    You should be fine using chicken wire. I have never had any problems when i use it. GL
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    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    Cool, your plants are looking good ill be watching to see how this turns out:blsmoke:
  20. C

    dirty south creek grow with pics!!!!

    Looks good man you have some nice sativa dominant plants. If you want to get rid of pests get some neem oil from walmart and follow the directions it will take care of most of your bug problems. Gl with your grow I hope it turns out great for you!