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  1. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Thanks McFonz, yeah the leaves are starting to turn yellow, and some of them stems are looking kinda purple. I think I have been giving them too much nutes. I'll cut them way back and hopefully they can recover.
  2. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Plants still doing great, gettin big. I should have a month to go. They did get nute bured a bit :cry: but doing better now.
  3. weasel27

    Are these pistils?

    Thanks for the confirmation, the leaves are not burnt at all. I think the camera got the hue of the HPS or something. I'd be freaking out if my plants actually looked that burnt. thanks guys! +rep weasel
  4. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    All the plants turned out to be female, all started sprouting pistils. looking pretty good.
  5. weasel27

    Are these pistils?

    My plants are starting to get these white fuzzy hairs, I assume they are pistils? My plants are autoflowering white dwarf, 21 days old. What do you guys think?
  6. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Thanks McFonz, When i moved them from the party cups to the bigger pots i realized I was watering them too much, the soil was still really damp halfway down. Thanks for the info about watering frequency, that'll help a lot. As far as nutes go, I'm using "Fox Farm's Grow Big"
  7. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    I moved them to 2 gallon pots on day 16, seem to do doing very well.
  8. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Day 13 They girls started to look kinda yellowish, so I gave the some nutes and that seemed to make a huge difference. I did overwater the hell out of them on accident, they looked kinda droopy so i figured they wanted more water, nope, they wanted less, found out the hard way when they looked...
  9. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Day 7, plants getting bigger every hour it seems. They have been under eight 6500k cfl's. Within the next day or so I think i'll fire up the HPS.
  10. weasel27

    6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)

    Subscribed! Just finished reading your white dwarf journal. Looks real nice.
  11. weasel27

    White dwarf auto's 600watt hps grow ( first grow attempt)

    Lookin real nice. I just started my first grow (white dwarf) a few days ago, How are you doing the guano? Like a tea? weasel
  12. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Girls are looking nice, getting bigger. Soil felt pretty dry, watered again.
  13. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    All five have sprouted and are doing nicely. I gave them 1 spoonful of water each yesterday.
  14. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Thanks for the info man.:lol:
  15. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    I think my cfl's might have been too close, the tips of this little lady look white, like burnt? lame.
  16. weasel27

    HELP!! - Setting up my new Secret Jardin Grow tent..

    For the easy rollers you want to hook them to the top of the tent(to the frame or something sturdy), I attached a couple pics of my hangers. You dont really lock them, just set the tension so you can move your light up and down freely. Once you hook them to your light, tighten them until the...
  17. weasel27

    Water Conditioning Tabs from pet store add C02, ELECTROLYTES,REMOVE CHLORINE/METALS/A

    I've read that some people use them, I have never tried myself. But from what I understand, they seem to work. weasel
  18. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Three out of five have poked their heads out, its pretty awesome seeing that first spec of green. Sorry for the crappy pics, my camera sucks.:neutral: When is the best time to start watering them? Do I just wait until the top of the soil feels/looks dry? weasel
  19. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Thats great, i feel like a dumbass for not thinking to move the cups under the cfl's(in my defense, i have had a lot to drink tonight:lol:). thanks bruntyman weasel
  20. weasel27

    My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf

    Yeah, that shot was taken before i covered up the seeds. Right now i have just the HPS on, seemed kinda pointless to have the cfl's on so far away. I have the HPS sitting about 18 inches above the cups, i figure if it was any closer i could dry out the soil. thanks for the help. weasel