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  1. ak476

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    Hye fuzzy thanks for checkin me out, i do have a question though if you dont mind.2 of my plants are showing stress, it looks like the start of nute burn on just a couple leaves, but 1 is kinda bad, do you think it makes sense for only certain plants to get burnt? they arent the runts either...
  2. ak476

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    Here is my first dwc grow< the only other grow ive done is with soil and i failed. Hopefully this does good, its already going much faster! these buckets are 18 gal I know thats way big but they are the most heavy duty i could find however the way i had to cut the holes and because i put the...
  3. ak476

    First DWC grow bagseed

  4. ak476

    First DWC grow bagseed

    Well i just got through with my first grow ever and it went rough, I had to stop about 3 weeks into flower, I think they were nitrogen defecient, but anyways that was soil and now ive got a bubble setup. 2 tanks with 6 plants each hydroton with rockwool 2 seperate water pumps 2 seperate high...
  5. ak476

    so bummed...

    i fed grow juice until the day i switched to 12-12
  6. ak476

    so bummed...

    thanks alot fuzzy im gonna get some nitrogen in there asap.
  7. ak476

    so bummed...

    :cuss::mad::sad: i cant belive this!!!!!! i guess it is my first grow but i wish they were healthy.
  8. ak476

    so bummed...

    so im at about 34 days flower i have 1) 400 hps i keep it about 14" above 8 plant all about the same height as the one pictured and it stays 74-80 in the room. I water every 2-3 days until a little water comes out the bottom but not much, at 2-3 days the plants are usually not very moist... i...
  9. ak476

    Still no sex????

    What is w/e ?
  10. ak476

    Still no sex????

    Bagseed.... Whats unhealthy? I mean they got pretty dry, but I just watered a sec ago.
  11. ak476

    Still no sex????

    so i germed on 01-01-10 and vegged for 34 days, i have been on 12-12 lights (under 400 hps) 17 days and still no signs of sex that i can tell, some have very large (nodes?) but some have none at all.... Thanks alot for the help.
  12. ak476

    Moving to Colorado to get MMJ (denver maybe)

    You could just move to Alaska where nobody cares what you do, Anchorage is about 300,000 people i think and weed is everywhere...
  13. ak476

    my new grow what do you think?

    400w HPS and i did plant as soon as they cracked, I just wasnt sure... I have about 5' of height so I guess i should start 12-12 soon. Yes they are bagseed but I wanted to try them first before moving on to something better. Im starting a journal now, thanks alot!
  14. ak476

    my new grow what do you think?

    oh ya i have been using "grow juice" by NSR
  15. ak476

    my new grow what do you think?

    78 with light on 66-68 with lights off. Really? a week and then 12-12 then when would i harvest? i thought i had alot more to go before 12-12. Anyway im seeing alot of pics that are the same age as mine and much shorter and bushy so im starting to get discouraged... so lost. thanks alot for the...
  16. ak476

    my new grow what do you think?

    well this is my first grow and its going rough i think, its day 25, I think i planted seeds too soon. My growth is very different, some plants small some big but they are starting to catch up with eachother. im trying to keep the light close, its a 400w so im keeping 18-24" i figure 30ish morer...
  17. ak476

    What up from Alaska

    new from alaska here too! lots of great info thanks everyone!
  18. ak476

    mailman knows

    Its not hard at all depending on where and what kind of place you prefer to live. I just moved to anchorage a few months ago and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! However its much different than i thought it would be. There are the same jobs here that anywhere else has, and there are many ways to make a...
  19. ak476

    Under A Cabin In The Woods of AK - AUH#2, White Rhino, Carolina, and MTU.

    wow, im new to ak, and cant belive there is all this info, im new to all of this and just cant belive my eyes! this is great! I guess ill keep reading and learning!