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  1. D

    Mighty Wash is not working and I am days away from harvest, 3 week flush... HELP!!??

    Ya, I am not going to harvest with bugs and I have used Mighty Wash THREE times now. But I left the fans on, and did not do whole room right away cuz I ran out 3 times half way through.. I guess I answered my own question... I am Past harvest time. I think those have stuff that will make my...
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    SNS 217 Spider Mite Killer!

    Really??? What about, Pool guy used WAY too (3-4 times too much) much and I am sure the stuff you buy at a health food store may vary in strength. I was thinking about adding it to Mighty Wash and or spraying after mighty wash drys. Does anyone know how long till you can harvest if you use...
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    Mighty Wash is not working and I am days away from harvest, 3 week flush... HELP!!??

    I keep putting back the harvest cuz of small buds and mites. Been flushing for 3 weeks now. I only wanted one week of flushing, then I was going to water cure for a day or so. I did Mighty wash a few months ago, worked like a charm. Never came back. I have been re-infected, did Mighty wash...
  4. D

    Maybe I posted in the wrong section? Root rot or WHAT?

    Never mind, root rot, so I am just gona hack them up and make clones.
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    DWC experts UNITE! help me put the old school dirt people to rest, like a dirt GRAVE!

    please help me save my babies! Is there any hope?
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    DWC experts UNITE! help me put the old school dirt people to rest, like a dirt GRAVE!

    OHHH for crying ou Loud!!! Please help me, watch and then and then tell me what to do! Please, I am beggin and I will give you some of the best clones that produce the best pot in CA, Green Ribbon. Very...
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    DWC experts UNITE! help me put the old school dirt people to rest, like a dirt GRAVE!

    It's a sealed room this time, last time it was partially sealed. Last time I put the stones in the same place and they would grow 4-6 inches a day and the root ball was about 3foot long and like a girls hair. It was a battle to keep them separate. Last time, a few of them did not have working...
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    DWC experts UNITE! help me put the old school dirt people to rest, like a dirt GRAVE!

    Link fixed, sorry. The video is best viewed with VLC media player. It's free, safe and works on most videos.
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    DWC experts UNITE! help me put the old school dirt people to rest, like a dirt GRAVE!

    :-P So here is my situation. I am a scientist, IQ wise, and a computer expert, (PM me for proof), who has put his full potential, - 20% due to no ADDHD meds, so call me a MAD SCIENTIST, damn you! lol (man I am high):leaf: But here is my grow, minus the lazers, (yes, blue is from Blue ray...
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    Prepetual Ebb & Flow

    Dude, this thread is kinda out dated, but lets see some pix of after you learned your lesson and covered your water...
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    is growing in a greenhouse considered outdoor or indoor?

    I get 4. Sometimes a little more... yes, I know 12/3=4...:leaf:
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    is growing in a greenhouse considered outdoor or indoor?

    I live in El Dorado county, CA. The DA recommendations state... If you grow outdoors, you can grow 20 per script... If indoors, 10. I would like to build an outdoor greenhouse in the backyard of my home. It will be a greenhouse but it will have indoor lighting system for cloudy - rainy...
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    Question about plants and light n buds

    Hi, I was wondering if the buds themself collect any light, (blue or red), or is it 100% through the leaves.
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    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    ummm, where are the pixs?
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    dueds and dudets.. I fucked up!

    thanks, 50-50 is better than f-u-c-k-e-d!
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    dueds and dudets.. I fucked up!

    anyone? I have read for hours but my situation is different. Are they going to be males? they are female clones.
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    dueds and dudets.. I fucked up!

    yaya, phaomia. we were in and out of hospital.:cry:
  18. D

    dueds and dudets.. I fucked up!

    I got a sick ass indoor bubble system that was producing monsters... And I have them on 12-12 cuz they started to bud. I am using 2 1000 and 2 400 in the middle with 1000s on the out sides of my rectangle room. I have the whole room, exept floor, coverd in the refelective mylar shit... I was...
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    Putting bubbles in your 'ponics

    Thank you for the reply. This place is a wealth of knowledge. I am only using 10 gallons of watter. Just enough to cover the pump. They are big ass green ones from Home Depot. It took me a while to understand what you were talking about. A pure bubble system is smart. It just makes a fog! You...
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    Putting bubbles in your 'ponics

    We made a system kind of like this, but its in a 53 gallon rubbermaid so the 6 plants are far spread apart to give more growing room. Its my understanding that rootrot is impossible with oxygenated water. So why not keep the roots in water...