Search results

  1. M

    BCseedking review

    thanks man, I'll give it a try.:weed:
  2. M

    BCseedking review

    thanks for reply :) did you get good grow/yield ? what kind of seeds ?
  3. M

    Canadain Growers Club

    thanks man. did you use a credit card or money order with Gypsy's Nirvana?
  4. M

    Canadain Growers Club

    Hi everyone, new to this site, I'm Canadian ! woohoo! Do you guys know anything about BCSeedking ? is it a good place (safe) to get beans ?
  5. M

    BCseedking review

    bump. anyone ?
  6. M

    ordering from BCseedking

    bump! anyone ?
  7. M

    ordering from BCseedking

    lol, I've been there already :bigjoint: 1 review is not enough :fire: can be done by the same people selling beans.
  8. M

    ordering from BCseedking

    Hey, I was asking the same question at the seedbank reviews page, but didn't get any replies :) so here is the question: I'm wondering if anyone actually got a good grow/yield from their seeds ? And if you do buy from them, for how long you've been dealing with them ? are they reliable...
  9. M

    BCseedking review

    Hey guys, I read few reviews here, and not that many people bought from them. So I'm wondering if anyone actually got a good grow/yield from their seeds ? And if you do buy from them, for how long you've been dealing with them ? are they reliable (privacy-wise) ? thanks. :bigjoint:
  10. M

    3 weeks veg? and 4 pounds per plant?

    holly cow ! how come his plants look like freakin Christmas trees ? sooo many branches !
  11. M

    Light Wattage for Closet Grow??

    where did you buy those LEDs ?
  12. M

    grow room supplies in canada

    Hi there, I'm wondering if you can suggest any canadian website for grow room supplies (tents, lights, vents etc) ? thanks
  13. M

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    hey fellas, what would be the best place to buy a grow tent + lights, fans.. etc for a decent price ? thanks