Search results

  1. M

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    the ladies seem to love it! Keep us informed ;)
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    Lowryder #1 CLF PC Grow

    Subbed, also I'm planning on growing some Lowryder #1's as well this year, closet grow and hoping to have about 5 fems in the cabinet :). Hopefully I'll have a bit more luck on the fems than you have - not to be offensive. May just be a bad batch? Who knows.. Either way, the plants are looking...
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    SensiStans "Balls to the Walls" 2011 Indoor Soil Grow!

    Subbed, Can't wait to see the outcome of this! Previous grow looked too tasty!
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    Bouncing Bear no longer sells Salvia :/ Any other sites?
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    Didn't find any extracts or leaf's on ebay. Anyone got some good sites? :)
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    Yes it's ok.. and to answer you, now you can get it on perscription, but not after it gets illegal (they put it under drugs).. At this point I can still order from websites, but some of them are scam and bad quality, that is why I'm asking for a place that someone have used before.. I'll check...
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    So far I've found two sites: Anyone know anything of these sites? Or got any better sites? :)
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    Elite Membership: I can't see the order button!

    aww.. someone answer? moderator or something
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    Lolol, we can discuss wether it shud be illegal or not later :) now my question was if anyone had a site that was good? Thanks
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    bump, please need a website to order salvia fast!! :D
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    Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)

    Hello.. I just read in the news that Salvia will be illegal in norway (now its perscripted, it will be classified as drugs) in 2 weeks. So what I'm asking for is a site that is legit, and not a scam. Price/Quality/Shipping ++ Anyone got some? :D
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    Elite Membership: I can't see the order button!

    bump.. problem is still there. And as we've asked, what is actually in the Elite section? can anyone give us some goodies to look forward too
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    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    Anyone have some european suppliers? (send link on PM? :)
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    Mephedrone? Order

    bump bump bump bump
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    Mephedrone? Order

    Hello I'm interested in trying some mephedrone, and I was wondering if anyone had some good/legit websites to order from? Talk with me on PM ;)
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    Hello! :D

    Hello I'm exited so see this big forum all about marijuana! :D I'm looking forward to have a good time here, so give me a good welcome :)
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    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    possible to buy elite now?