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  1. theflow

    thanks for offering the assistance bro, any bit of help would go a long way

    thanks for offering the assistance bro, any bit of help would go a long way
  2. theflow

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    so im looking for a legit rc vendor and have had no luck got ripped off a couple of times checked into all of them and seemed legit but they were way to cut, im looking for 2ce mainly if you know a legit place and would be nice enough to help out just send me the message and maybe ill be able to...
  3. theflow

    lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow

    the lady is all trimmed and drying/curing right now, havent weighted it yet, still has a grassy smell to it so hoping that diminishes in the cure process, one of my plants (big bertha) went hermie on me to my dissapointment and this was later in the period, messed up in this grow here and there...
  4. theflow

    lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow

    how long do you think till i should harvest
  5. theflow

    150w lowryder#2/ LR2 x AK47 grow

    good progress, keep up the good work
  6. theflow

    150w lowryder#2/ LR2 x AK47 grow

    good grow man i got 2 lowyrder #2 going myself keep up the good work and if you could update please i would like to see the progress on the ladies:-D
  7. theflow

    lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow

    man....just cant wait to harvest these babies :bigjoint:
  8. theflow

    lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow

    Oldreefer/ do you have a journal of lowryder 2's? how did your buds taste?
  9. theflow

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey brassneck what kind of strain is that by the way? i have 2 lowryder #2 at day 42 myself
  10. theflow

    WTF is THIS?! ***URGENT***

    it may possibly be a mag deficiency, how do the leaves feel, do they feel a little crispy perhaps papery?
  11. theflow

    lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow

    here are the lovely ladies at day forty-two, have a magnesium problem but is in the process of fixing it, as well have some rust color blotches on the leaves trying to fix that as well. when i smell the cola there is a little bubblegum smell the fills the nostrils, i hope this smell really...
  12. theflow

    Hermie??_please help!!

    thanks for the input everybody, saw some stuff online and got scared, just want the best kind of life for my girlies
  13. theflow

    Hermie??_please help!!

    here are some more
  14. theflow

    Hermie??_please help!!

    there is these ball looking things with two little hairs coming out if that helps
  15. theflow

    Hermie??_please help!!

    maybe these pics are better
  16. theflow

    Hermie??_please help!!

    dont know if its a hermie, if so what can i do
  17. theflow

    rust colors and yellowing

    thanks for the help man, will try that right away
  18. theflow

    rust colors and yellowing

    so i have 2 lowryder #2 in a home made soil setup of perlite, organic mix, and top soil so far its day 41. No problems have happened until now, havent added anything extra, only molasses which was after these signs were present but i was afraid to harm them anymore so i added about half of what...
  19. theflow

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey whats going on with all the other auto's out there...been growing 2 lowrdyer 2's at about day 26 i believe they have been flowering for around three. One is now a little over 2 feet and the other is just under. cant wait till i get to harvest these beauties :weed:
  20. theflow

    lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow

    alright so we have Big Bertha at just a little over 2 feet and then we have little lady coming up from behind at about 1.6ft. Both plants seem to be doing well. You can notice some of the tips of leaves getting a yellow tint to it, but it hasnt spread any farther then the tip, and another...