Search results

  1. S

    Colorado growers, our days could be numbered

    You know, you should look up the Supreme Court case where they decided that California couldn't have medical marijuana w/o being in violation of federal law. Look who voted against this decision. Tell me whether they were the liberal side of the court, or the conservative?
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    Colorado growers, our days could be numbered

    And yet 9 out of 10 people here vote "democrat", if they vote at all.
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    Colorado growers, our days could be numbered

    +1 for intelligent analysis
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    Who Grows The Best Weed In Colorado? Contest Aims To Find Out

    If only grass were legal . . . I hate to rain on anyone's parade but this kinda shit has a way of coming back and biting people in the ass.
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    Selling to Dispensaries in Colorado?

    So. Are you saying they don't buy clones?
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    Selling to Dispensaries in Colorado?

    I'm thinking that selling 100 clones a week might be easier than selling mature plants or dried herb.
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    Can someone help me?!?!

    migraines, really bad migraines.
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    Colorado MMJ patient growing in rental property question

    No. The landlord can kick you right out on yer butt, if she is so inclined.
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    Colorado State ID requirements
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    Moving to Colorado to get MMJ (denver maybe)

    Hi, I live in the Denver metro. University of Colorado - Boulder. Colorado University - Ft Collins and Colorado School of Mines - Golden. There are 319 dispensaries in Denver and god know 100+ in Boulder and 123 in Fort Collins at last count. According to the Denver Post, 80% of the MM...
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    Greeting from a former Marihempster

    Howdy Nope, just dragons . . . and windmills. Marihemp was a series of Cannabis related websites that started in the middle 90's. Very early in Internet history. Others that my tired old mind cannot remember. The owner...
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    Greeting from a former Marihempster

    Howdy all I'm Shootist. And I'm a refugee from Marihemp Marketplace, which in its day was the end all be all of the scene. :bigjoint: Some people have really put a lot of effort into this site. Very nice. Well, off to slay some dragons. Be well everyone.
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    Selling to Dispensaries in Colorado?

    First post. Nice place y'all have here. I'm Shootist. I hung out at marihemp marketplace from 2001 until Ron closed it in '08. marketplace was the shitz in its day. Anyway. I live in metro Denver and had been wondering about selling to dispensaries. Several of them in my area have signs...