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  1. Lucorpan

    PH Lockout question

    Good deal...thanks much :mrgreen:
  2. Lucorpan

    PH Lockout question

    My soil PH was high to begin with as was my water. I have reduced the PH in the water, hence reducing it in the soil samples as well. ( I switched to distilled water only and treat the water now).
  3. Lucorpan

    PH Lockout question

    damn...22 views and no one knows?
  4. Lucorpan

    PH Lockout question

    Ugh...unfortunately my plants suffered some PH lockout (indoor soil grow), I now have the PH adjusted to 6.5. The lockout has resulted in stunted growth and yellowing of the lower leaves. Can anyone tell me what kind of timeline I am looking at to be able to see positive results from fixing the...
  5. Lucorpan

    Flat white paint surfaces

    Understood...damn I find that it sucks living in the boonies in the States and having to order most things online, can't imagine not even having that option.
  6. Lucorpan

    Scientific proof that a ghetto (baking soda &vinegar) CO2 generator is pointless

    Sugar is converted into ethyl alcohol and CO2 when it ferments due to the action of yeast. In this method, the following ingredients and equipment are needed: 1. Suitably sized container, plastic or glass 2. Sugar, common or invert 3. Yeast, brewers or bourgelais wine yeast 4. Yeast nutrient...
  7. Lucorpan

    My First Baby

    Dude seriously you've grown 1 plant out of 20 attempts and you didn't think that was going to be questioned? And I didn't question to be a dick...and since you know so much with your 1 out of 20 average, good luck to you.
  8. Lucorpan

    co2 bucket?? to control co2 levels

  9. Lucorpan

    co2 bucket?? to control co2 levels

    CO2 is CO2...the chemical compound is the chemical compound. Regardless of how you choose to generate it...just saying in my opinion your purchase was quite costly for something you could have done yourself for near nothing.
  10. Lucorpan

    co2 bucket?? to control co2 levels

    wrong.. there now using living mushroom spores they release co2 heres a link to my findings should ve payed $10 and made his own Wrong? What am I wrong about? The method the co2 bucket is using?
  11. Lucorpan

    co2 bucket?? to control co2 levels

    OMG spent 120 bucks plus shipping on that??
  12. Lucorpan

    co2 bucket?? to control co2 levels really bought that? It's a bucket and air pump and then it's just yeast, sugar and water...I don;t know what your "set-up" cost but you could have done the same thing for close to free using items from around the house (mainly the sink and pantry). You can get a CO2 PPM monitor to...
  13. Lucorpan

    Flat white paint surfaces

    Why not just throw up some mylar?
  14. Lucorpan

    Flat white paint surfaces

    Sheetrock...a.k.a drywall
  15. Lucorpan

    My First Baby

    I just have a quick are you germinating your seeds?? 1 out of 20 is all you were able to germinate
  16. Lucorpan

    My First Party Cup Grow. Northern Lights X Buddah. (Pics)

    Nutes can be introduced around the 2nd week. You need to introduce them gradually, start with 1/4 of the recommended dosage and work your way up to full strength from there. You reall need to transpant those. I think you're in the Solo cup for way too long.
  17. Lucorpan

    seeds ????

    I purchased from Nirvana...I bought AK48,Wonder Woman and Full Moon (All feminized). All 15 germinated without issue. Mature Smoker...what kind of yield have you seen from the AK48?
  18. Lucorpan

    Cloning question...

    Okay thanks for clarifying...I just couldn't wrap my head around the Mother Plant benefits...seemed more of a pain in the ass to me. Thanks for your answers
  19. Lucorpan

    Cloning question...

    I have researched this for the answer and have yet to come across the "Why". You can clone from any plant so why keep a mother plant instead of just cloning off your current vegging plants? I have read research where recloning does NOT lower yields nor THC. So why keep a mother plant? A...
  20. Lucorpan

    How many net pots?

    I think his question is how many net pots can he use to produce healthy plants and yield, not how many will fit in the lid...