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  1. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    auto blueberry is forming buds all over the place, just the other day she was just showing pre-flowers, it looked like it was a new leaf set forming at the top, then all the little white hairs started bunching up, now there on every branch.
  2. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    just gave auto blueberry, blueberry and bubblicious a watering with nutes, 2nd feeding. all of them are doing good i think, auto blueberry is showing preflowers at three weeks old. gonna flower when the new soil, pots and nutes arrive. Auto blueberry, blueberry and bubblicious are 3 weeks old...
  3. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    ive read that three weeks is the minimum you can wait before you flower, the three i planted on the 3rd of may will be three weeks old tomorrow, but im going to wait till they're 1 month, do you think that will be ok? green poison is 5 weeks and 3 days old so by june time it should definatly be...
  4. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    norhtern light blue hasnt really changed much, but looks a bit better. green poison is doing great as far as i can tell, these 2 were also watered with canna bio veg at the same time as the other three.
  5. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    auto blueberry is doing great. bubblicious is jus a little behind auto B, but still doing fine. and blueberry is going slower than the other 2, but doing alright. all are on day 13 from being planted in the soil, please could someone tell me if they're not looking like they should...
  6. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    northern light blue is looking alot better today, i'll let it dry a little more before next watering because the pot still feels a bit heavy. but everything else is going well as far as i can tell. im sure many people on this site have grown blueberry, so if its not any trouble could somebody...
  7. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    i got my seeds from pick and mix seeds, i thought maybe someone else has had this problem.
  8. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    heres some pics of the problem plant, northern light blue, and heres some from when it was ok. then all of a sudden it drooped a few days ago. it looked as tho the other one was going the same way as this one but it perked up yesterday about the same time this one looked a little better.
  9. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    these are pics of green poison, could anyone tell me if its doing alright for its age?
  10. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    these are the Blueberry, auto Blueberry and Bubblicious pic 1 bubblicious pic 2 auto blueberry pic 3 blueberry
  11. H

    1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

    this is my first grow journal, so lets start with the seeds, i got 5 seeds from, 1 blueberry from dutch passion, 1 green poison from sweet seeds, 1 auto blueberry from lowlife seeds, 1 northern light blue from delicious seeds and 1 bubblicious from nirvana seeds. all...
  12. H

    The UK Growers Thread!

    which in particular do you use? because i searched on theres quite alot of varieties of biobizz, which would you recommend for seedling, veg and flower and so on? thanks for your input.
  13. H

    a question about ballasts

    must've missed that, thanks alot definately worth it. and one more question, what happens to the air after the extraction fan has done its job? and is their a cheap way around ventillation? i will be growing in a wardrobe, so not many plants. thanks again.
  14. H

    The UK Growers Thread!

    probably already been asked but what are the best soil and nutrients available in the uk, and where are they found?
  15. H

    a question about ballasts

    i've been looking on and was wondering if it would be better buying an e40 lamp holder, and a 250w cfl bulb, or an e40 lamp holder, a 250w mh bulb and a maxibright mark3 compact ballast. the lamp holder and a cfl can plug straight into the socket, so what do i do...
  16. H

    my first plants.

    the tall is the first one that i started growing, and has been doing well considering that it was a seed out of a bag and the soil is garden soil, so i put two seeds in this one, i had a couple other containers with seeds in but they didnt do too good, and this one nearly died until a few weeks...
  17. H

    are fish tanks good for growing in?

    has anybody else grown in fish tanks? and are they any good?
  18. H

    where can you get cuttings?

    is there any website where you can buy cuttings?
  19. H

    any good safe sites for seeds in UK

    im not planning a large amount as its my first grow so apart from pots, and all the machines involved, what else is needed to grow a successful plant? which lights would you recommend, and where should i go to get them?
  20. H

    any good safe sites for seeds in UK

    i am planning to start my first grow, what would you recommend to start with? which site do you get your seeds from? i had already checked out pick and mix but just wanted to ask around to see if it was safe, and that seemed like the best one because instead of paying about £50 for a 10 pack and...