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  1. F

    Hey HITMAN, My well water is 1.4 EC should only add enought nutrients to make it 1.8 or should I...

    Hey HITMAN, My well water is 1.4 EC should only add enought nutrients to make it 1.8 or should I add 1.8 EC over the start reading of 1.4 which would make my new reading 3.2
  2. F

    Well Water

    Hey HITMAN what is the EC of your well water. Mine is 1.4. Should I only add enought nutrients to bring it up to 1.8 or subtract 1.4 from 3.2 to get the right reading on meter?
  3. F

    well water

    I'm using Hemp Buckets. I've used well water to germiate and there one week old. I just now check EC to start nutrients and found the EC is 1.4. Should I add to this or is this good enought?