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  1. Engine

    Hey Colorado and Washington whats up Peeps!

    I've been excited to break in to the "adult recreational market", as they call it, but after months of searching for a space that will qualify for a 502 grow, my team and I are realizing, no one wants to lease to growers. Unless you already own land or a wharehouse, or have $250,000-$500,000...
  2. Engine

    What is the standard "payment" for trimming help?

    I think it depends, if its just a few plants then just smoke everyone out and have a good time , but if its a larger harvest.... you get what you give you know, no ones gonna complain about a few grams being tossed their way
  3. Engine

    Agent orange, ready for chop?

    always wait for about 50/50 white to red hairs. also the buds tend to take on an ambe haze when they are ready
  4. Engine

    6 400,s 4 Flood Tables Perpetual

    Very nice grow, I enjoy the thread, keep it up man!
  5. Engine

    What Candidate Is Best For Pot Legalization?

    Man, I cant vote for a republican.
  6. Engine

    Nutes and you?!?!?

    Bat Guano is a good source of phosphorus
  7. Engine


    Fox Farm is good, any 20-20-20 solution should work fine. just be careful not to over fertilize.
  8. Engine

    First Organic Grow: Need help

    I would also add Some seed meal of some kind to your soil mix. You could get some cotton or rape seed meal from a nursery or you could get some used coffee grounds. Coffee grounds work pretty well and you can usually get them from most coffee places for free. I don't know if Starbucks will let...
  9. Engine

    First Grow, Feel the love

    yeah great grow.