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  1. G

    Michael Moore documentarys

    I learned the entire Book of Mormon from one Southpark episode.
  2. G

    Vote NO !! and here is why!!

    Any step in the right direction is one step further than we are now. It so ridiculously easy to get a med recomendation. If you need to grow more just get one.
  3. G

    Justified Taxation v. Unjustified Taxation?

    The tax levels should not be based on income. They should be based upon the level of services you wish to recieve from the goverment. If you want the "Im a dumbass that needs the government to take care of every need I have" plan , you should pay more than the " I want to live in the middle of...
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    Elena Kagan

    I would consider an "activist" judge to be one that consistantly favors one point of view (their own) over another. I totally agree that it goes both ways, liberal and conservative, and that it is wrong either way. We should have 9 "swing vote" judges like Kennedy.
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    Elena Kagan

    I don't think activist judges are good. Does not matter what side they are on. Clearly thats the way barry has gone with his two choices. No surprise here.
  6. G

    Well, that didn't take long

    If everyone has the same opportunities how can there be a "disfavored group"? Do you think that if forced integration was stopped that all places would be segregated? There are plenty of non-racist people that could just as easily open a restaurant as racist people. And again , these are...
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    Well, that didn't take long

    His issue does not have to do with racism. It has to do with the rights of a free citizen to open a business and run it the way he sees fit. He states that he fully supports equal access to public facilities. I am not a racist , but I support any business person's right to serve whomever they...
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    Rand paul wins

    He opposes the DOE because it is an unecessary middle man. All it does is take money and redistribute to the states, which then redistributes it locally. Why? Why the need to add so many unecessary layers of government? Why not completely eliminate federal income tax burdens, and then individual...
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    Let us continue the "game" Imagine a group of KKK guys standing in front of a polling place in full hooded regalia, with nooses and bats, intimidating black voters as they approached the entrance. When charges are brought against these horrible people , prosecutors are told by the white man...