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  1. H

    HELP: Blacking Out and Going Blind??

    Hello people last night i was smoking with my brother (the reg) i usually dont smoke everyday but recently i have (4 weeks) and no problems with it but last night i had about 2-3 bowls with my brother and then we each had come hash, i was fine for about 15 mins then i started feeling dizzy, i...
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    Rigging Up Clfs.other lights

    cheers for all your help appriciated
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    CLF Set up help

    thanks that does help alot, i was thinking something along the lines of that. since it is a super stealth grow i only need about 6 clfs anyway but is there anyway i could find that bathroom light online and use a more powerfull light then 23 watt? thanks again
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    CLF Set up help

    just a question. i have been putting on my stealth grow for a long time now but i have yet to find the right way to set up my clfs. i know there are attatchments that plug directally into a power bord BUT I AM IN AUSTRALIA AND THEY DO NOT TELL THEM HERE whats the next best way to set up my clfs...
  5. H

    Rigging Up Clfs.other lights

    just a question. i have been putting on my stealth grow for a long time now but i have yet to find the right way to set up my clfs. i know there are attatchments that plug directally into a power bord BUT I AM IN AUSTRALIA AND THEY DO NOT TELL THEM HERE whats the next best way to set up my clfs...
  6. H

    Cant use clfs for my grow.... What els?

    thanks for the help but i am in australia and for some reason all the fitting and plugs perfect for growing are not avalible here would a 100watt clf do the job? one for flowering and one for veg
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    Cant use clfs for my grow.... What els?

    the thing is i need the fittings :( not the actual lights
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    Cant use clfs for my grow.... What els?

    where i live its pretty much impossible to find the fittings inw ant for my pc grow i need help my pc is set up and awesome but no lights :( what other lights could i use
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    12 miles high. 12 hours stoned

    my mate used to get this good weed apparently called "12 miles high" and its a good smoke but the high lasts for ages. i asked him if it really does last 12 hours and it does but most people pass out from it. he has woken up many times still stoned and its was very cheap stuff 100 for a oz and...
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    have u grown before? whats the yeild? how many plants u got
  11. H

    PC GROWERS UNITE questions and answers

    hello im about to start my pc grow. i would like fellow pc growers to joing and aswer questions and yada yada. how much yeild do u get off a pc grow (most u got) lights? power? stealth
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    where can i find these light fittings...

    what would they be called on ebay?
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    compost tea brewers!!!!!

    what is compost teaa?
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    where can i find these light fittings...

    im in australia. looked all over need help
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    looking for a weed :) strain help

    welll well well i am looking for a nice weed with a very happy stone. i wanna be laughing till i explode and have a little energy aswell not ocuch locked. i wanna go out n explore :blsmoke: just a nice happy friendly weed
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    smoking the electric ;)

    its got nothing bad for you in it so i thaught instead of hanging with mates who smoke cigs ill just smoke that its actually really nice and healther
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    smoking the electric ;)

    anyone smoke ecigs or anything? i just ordered one and lots of flavors:) i think they awesome. just like shisha (nagilah) flavored tabacco but healthy
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    WA growers and smokers (western australia)

    just intrested in the bud u get over here. im kinda new to smoking n growing. do you grow do u sell? post pics :)
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    DIY carbon filter help...will it work?

    the air flows directally thru the carbon is there any reason it wouldent work?
  20. H

    DIY carbon filter help...will it work?

    so im growing in a pc and i hae put a box around my fan and a doubled layered cleaning cloth over it. there is a clit in the cloth where i plan to fill with aquarium activated carbon..will it work? and i was thinking i might hang one of thoes smelly things for ur car in it or cut it up and put...