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  1. lolopakalolo

    Cloning technics

    Started 8 in gro/dan macroplugs under a dome. Used rooting gel (cant remember brand(one use package))1 was dead next day, 2 weeks later, dome off remaining 7 rooted and under 90w UFO about 2 feet above plants. They look happy! Will put in soil this week. kept plugs moist and dome sprayed. It was...
  2. lolopakalolo

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flowering

    i have found that shade leafs take the most abuse first, being a newb, i'll take any help i can get. I only remove if they pull off easy. i had problems switching from MG to organic ferts and plenty of fan leaves saved my harvest.
  3. lolopakalolo

    LED Grow Lights

    i got a 90 watt UFO. I attached 3 68 watt CFLs. i flower under 400 watt HPS
  4. lolopakalolo

    LED UFO - Lighthouse Hydro 90w 2010 6-band HO UFO Model

    please do not say mite:neutral:
  5. lolopakalolo

    molasses,(EVERY THING) u need to know

    I always have pure maple syrup so i tried it on some mazar that had a spidermite problem. we'll see what happens. 1 tablespoon per gal. Mixed easy.
  6. lolopakalolo

    Got The Knock And Talk @ 4 Am

    i grow my own and sell none, i can have 7 anyway, soon to be 10.
  7. lolopakalolo

    Spider Mite Control

    Kill 'em early or suffer.
  8. lolopakalolo

    Spider Mite Control

    should I spray with water after application? if yes how long should I wait?
  9. lolopakalolo

    Spider Mite Control

    Much Mahalos for your time and info. Alojah
  10. lolopakalolo

    Spider Mite Control

    also leaf damage is moderate, (dry and rough, somewhat brittle) is it worth finishing or just start over?
  11. lolopakalolo

    Spider Mite Control

    will spraying Azatrol 4 weeks into flowering have any negative effects? how about next week?