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  1. zzpot

    Will they hermie? Used FF Tigerbloom during 3 wks of veg cycle

    miscommunication buddy used FF Tigerbloom during 3 wks of veg cycle. Started from seed... plants are stunted BUT>>> with massive root system and massive nodes and compact dense growth. using 400w MH i flushed for 5 days transplanted flushed then added1/4 grow nutes.when should i add FF Bigbloom...
  2. zzpot

    HELP/Used FF TigerBllom on Veg cycle

    miscommunication buddy used FF Tigerbloom during 3 wks of veg cycle. Started from seed... plants are stunted BUT>>> with massive root system and massive nodes and compact dense growth. using 400w MH i flushed for 5 days transplanted flushed then added1/4 grow nutes.when should i add FF Bigbloom...
  3. zzpot

    Are The done

    Whats gong on they one cola looks like she been burnt the other are radom pics of smaller budz they have loads of trycs but are not tight usings 400w HPS and 600 watts of CFL
  4. zzpot

    how to dry it to try it ?

    put the bud in a paper towel then put it in the window if a car facing the south sun keep her locked
  5. zzpot

    clipping buds as they mature

    I have a few verity some buds are maturing and look like they need to be clipped while others dont. what should I do Also on a second grow can I clone off of that
  6. zzpot

    I have a wierd looking plant...

    take a pic
  7. zzpot

    rubbermaid grow (w/pics)

    Use a car front windshield ect ect
  8. zzpot

    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    Diesle Filters are much bigger and could provide much more air flow that way your not taxing the exaust fan google "auto air filter" then "images" it will give you all kinds of filter to size up and know what you want when you go to the auto store looking for what you need. Toyota looks like...
  9. zzpot

    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    google "auto air filter" then "images" it will give you all kinds of filter to size up and know what you want when you go to the auto store looking for what you need. Toyota looks like the type 1st shown in the original display. Great work DUDE! Stoked and Smoked. Intertaining purposes only Big...
  10. zzpot

    wHy are some Bud ready and some not

    should the crystals be clear or milky? I read the potency will be differnent
  11. zzpot

    wHy are some Bud ready and some not

    Ok The top of the plant is crystallized (they are clear) what does this mean>? I read you want the crystals to turn milky…is this correct? Next the bottom buds are still forming and are not crystallized,nor are they tight, the hairs are white and still forming. In the past I had certain plants...