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  1. N

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    What would be some Good beginere strands for Ebb & Grow?
  2. N

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Right on Smoking thamnk for the advice. What is better the paint or the panda film? I have paintable surfaces but I would buy the panda film if it is better. Panda film available at hydro store? Also I havent bought any seeds yet. I have some that I have saved up over the last few months...
  3. N

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Ok with my set up I purchased a 1000w with a 6' light rail How many plants would be suggested with this light configuration? The total are I have to work with is 8' X 15' with 8' ceilings and a amall attic area i was planning on putting my can 50 filter at. I can make the area smaller once i...
  4. N

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Hey ... just finished reading up on this thread. I purchased the Ebb & Grow system last week and am trying to do as much research as possible before I make an attempt. This will be my first time... Hopefully I didnt get myself in over my head. I was wondering about nutrients. The kit comes...