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  1. C

    DXM Tolerance Question

    first of all i wouldnt reccomend a week of tht shit...its good every once in a while,,,, and yeah effects will become less and less(tolerance).....unless u space it out.
  2. C

    droopy leaves....but not overwatering?

    thanx man....for some reason i didnt think fans were so long should i leave them on?i dont wanna hurt her.
  3. C

    droopy leaves....but not overwatering?

    yeah i need to get on that...any other possibilities?
  4. C

    droopy leaves....but not overwatering?

    its warm but it doesnt hurt my hand or anything
  5. C

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    appreciate the help offer......well my leaves are pretty droopy and have been for a pretty shur im not
  6. C

    droopy leaves....but not overwatering?

    why are they droopy if their getting nutes and light...also the leaves are kinda curles and dry seems like theyre being burnt but a 150 hps light like 6inches away???? help please..