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  1. P

    its chris. make me your friend

    its chris. make me your friend
  2. P

    lighting... i dont have the cash for a ballast...

    I couldn't afford the HID lights i went out and found some that were being used to illuminate a buisness' sign. I waited until about 2 am and went there, unscrewed them from the pipes that went to the ground, threw a towel over it (to keep sparks from burning me), and cut the 2...
  3. P

    ILLINOIS you CAN do it! (but only if YOU do this)

    Ok, so Illinois may pass a law allowing patients to receive, posess, grow and use marijuana, but so what? In my personal opinion, it will be just as hard to get MMJ prescribed from your doctor as it would be to have your doc prescribe you Oxycontin, or any other narcotic. Just because it may...
  4. P

    Hello from western Illinois

    hey there, i'm new to this site as well. i'm having trouble finding locals to chat and or hang out with.
  5. P

    Welcome New Members!

    anyone in these forums from my area? Woodstock IL
  6. P

    New to the site

    i'm new to this site, i'm from woodstock, IL and wanted to meet new people, and see what current friends of mine are on here.