Search results

  1. BlackOp

    How much $ do you need to budget

    So this summer is gonna be balls to the wall as I'll be out of a place to live. I have a friend coming back home at the end of the summer (if not before) who I'll be getting a place with. I figure during that time I'll find some nice ass remote backpacking areas where I can spend a week or so at...
  2. BlackOp

    Who's pumped for the season?

    For pests I'm thinking you might be able to get away with some simple bird netting. A deer would probably get tangled up in it, as well as other animals. Most animals don't want to trap themselves so they'll be cautious. You could also tie thorn type branches around to poke the curious ones. A...
  3. BlackOp

    How does Trainwreck and Super Silver Haze handle cold climates?

    I'm going to germ some trainwreck seeds this week, wish me luck. I figure its a solid brand name strain and I'm going to hope for the best. I might order some white widow for insurance, not sure. Please keep the suggestions coming.
  4. BlackOp

    Growing plants upside down

    So I saw the ads for the upside down tomato planters and I thought, would that work? If so it would be easy to string up on a pulley from a tree. Hide the rope stealthy and you can just lower it to water and check up on it. Plus, you can go to the most dense part of the forest and still have...
  5. BlackOp

    The You Know Your A Grower Thread

    When you see every outdoor wilderness scene as a potential grow location. Every time I watch the travel channel or the like I always imagine the most awesome outdoor patch ever.
  6. BlackOp

    Who's pumped for the season?

    Due to limited resources I'm doing an extreme guerilla setup this year. I've came up with a few setups I'm going to use including suspended in trees, floating gardens, and natural camoflage. I'm testing these methods to figure out which produces the best results. I want to see if you can grow...
  7. BlackOp

    When its legal (The POW's of Cannabis)

    So what is going to happen to the people in jail? Will they immediately be released and have their records cleared? Will the courts and police just say sorry. Its only a matter of time, the insanity cannot continue much longer. I'm just trying to stay ahead of the curve.
  8. BlackOp

    I love smoking my bowl

    So I just finished smoking a bowl so I'm feeling faded. I have to keep it low key around my roomates but that little special time to myself with a lil something to smoke, that makes my day. All the bullshit about the economy and the wars can make you wanna kill someone, but kick back and smoke...
  9. BlackOp

    I can tell everyone is itching for this season

    Dude, working my regular job all I can think about is the grow season. I'm just daydreaming of different camoflage techniques and trying to run numbers in my head. Everyone is hurting for cash right now but at least this way we can come out ahead in something. This summer will be pretty crazy...
  10. BlackOp

    How does Trainwreck and Super Silver Haze handle cold climates?

    So I was going through some old things and I found my old seed bank in my safe, score! So I have a shit ton of these seeds, which is awesome. Now they are trainwreck and super silver haze, I'm almost 100% sure. How will these do in a cold climate as far as flowering is concerned? If I can use...
  11. BlackOp

    I can tell everyone is itching for this season

    Times are hard on all of us, that's for sure. I know I have a shit ton of bills and a shrinking paycheck. That's the miracle of the seasons though, real wealth comes from the earth. No matter what happens, if you got good ass weed, people won't let you go hungry. Obviously no one in our...
  12. BlackOp

    6 Weeks till D-Day

    Sounds cool