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  1. F

    individual branches or wait?

    thanks. I am just worried because it's raining a lot where I live. The hairs on the sides of the plant are 85% brown while the buds on top are more like 45-50. how worried about mold should I be?
  2. F

    individual branches or wait?

    First time grower asking if I have buds that are ready on one plant but not in other areas (especially the top), can I just cut individual branches? or is that bad for the plant. thanks for any input.
  3. F

    Harvesting during rain

    It's been raining a lot where I am right now and I'm not sure what to do. I heard it is really important to keep your plants dry for a couple weeks before harvest. With the time approaching I am worried about mold. Should I shelter the plants at all? And how bad is it to harvest after a...