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  1. weedsaladlol

    WTF! a mushroom is in my pot!

    im not an expert or anything but 75f and 80f degrees is right temperature and moist substrate are both good conditions for fungi growth:spew::shock: lol that smiley gettin puked on
  2. weedsaladlol

    Root porn thread

    she naturally purple or you have no npk in the water yet? i have grown in soil but im lost in the world of hydro bongsmilie
  3. weedsaladlol

    Marijuana + ADHD + Depression = ?

    Stimulants and ADHDFor someone with ADHD stimulants have the oposite effect than those on normal people. The stimulant essentially returns the person back to normal levels of dopamine. Stimulants are only effective in high doses if stimulation is required. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm im not a...
  4. weedsaladlol

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    oh my god that had me rollin
  5. weedsaladlol

    how can I make a Winnebago indoor hydro work?

    i love this fucking site hahahaha find anything on here
  6. weedsaladlol

    THE BUSTED!!! thread

    k heres my bust story, back about 7 years ago when i was dumb and 16 i had set up my first two room grow op at one of my friends apartment. and everything went well for about 2 years. we had a perpetual cycle where the op was producing about 4-6 pounds of some super fruit every three weeks - one...
  7. weedsaladlol

    When stoners get up in the morning, they always say . . .

    i save the world second and get high first. the first thing i say/do in the mid morning is "where the fuck is my lighter" then go sit with my plants alll day and just smoke.
  8. weedsaladlol

    So This Morning I Found About 25+ plants

    id take it shittttt you stoopid ahahaha. but fo real id rather steal a couple pounds of weed than look at 16 17 year old porn all day being high is better than jacking off or even sex end of story.
  9. weedsaladlol

    Stealth PC grow case(w/ help of trunk5)

    that is too ghetto for me and just think if you were that plant you would feel reallly realllllllllly claustrophobic give em some room
  10. weedsaladlol

    Cheap Alternitives

    for veg you will need 6500k daylight bulbs and for flowering you will need between 2700 and 4100k bulbs