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  1. J

    Tib420's - First Indoor - Closet Grow

    dude thats far too much light for sprouts, i suggest florescent or cfl for seedlings or clones. Also, your pots are too large to for the young sprouts to keep up with. There probably getting over-watered and supplied with too much nutrients, this causes more harm than good for the plants. Start...
  2. J

    Tib420's - First Indoor - Closet Grow

    sorry, wrong thread
  3. J

    Tib420's - First Indoor - Closet Grow

    your container is too large for the plants, the idea pot size for seedlings and clones are 4 inches. 4 inch pot should be enough for the first few weeks, after that you should transplant. Wait for the sprout leaves to fall off and then transplant to a 2-3 gallon pot.
  4. J

    Cheap Alternitives

    you can get some t8 florescent from ebay for about 80 bucks, there work fine for vegging.
  5. J

    first time grow room!!!!

    ops, wrong thread.
  6. J

    first time grow room!!!!

    if your concern about security you might want to look into buying a generator. It cost a lot but it keeps you off the grid, good luck.