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  1. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    any way is better than no way. Right or wrong. opinion or fact. i've been posting the past 4 pages. just gladd i got a response this time. Thank you
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    1. how stable will the offspring of my two ruderalis indica be? 2. say i cross my ruderalis indica with my white can i effectivly pass on the autoflowering trait? if i had stable all alike offspring from the two ruderalis indicas..would i then grow one of the offspring and breed it...
  3. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    what can i expect if i cross a ruderalis indica with another ruderalis indica...will the offspring be less vigorouse than the parents? what are the pros and cons of doing this? thanks guys
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey mastad, 9 ive used dr chronic and had great results. I just recieved my beans from the single seed centre (google it) and as it suggests u can buy single seeds i bought the above strains 2 of which that are feminized all for like 50 USD..they shipped and came 1 week later
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    so has anyone ever tried to cross ruderalis indica? i just bought 2 of them and if possible id like to cross one. im really gladd u made this thread kb i have been looking for something like this for a long time. So anyways i want to cross my ruderalis indica with any one of the other 5 strains...
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey i know you guys r on this light thing but can anyone answer my question?
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    also how do i subscribe to this?
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    so has anyone ever tried to cross ruderalis indica? i just bought 2 of them and if possible id like to cross one. im really gladd u made this thread kb i have been looking for something like this for a long time. So anyways i want to cross my ruderalis indica with any one of the other 5 strains...
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    hey brussels...i bought the pro grow and pro bloom( the pro bloom for hydrogardens ) and im using soil...i could easily return the one that is for hydrogardens and get the one for soils... i think some one else on here said they needed to add nitrogen because the hydrogarden pro bloom was lower...
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    botanicare outdoor noob help needed

    Hi hoping i came to the right place for my questions...currently i am growing 6 strains 2 of each. Mandala # 1 regular, the church feminized, white widow regular, purple widow regular, big bang regular, and ruderalis indica regular...i bought 12 10 gallon grow bags...for ferts i am...