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  1. McFly1

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I'm a outdoor guy and wont plant until next June, but I would like some wedding cake please.
  2. McFly1

    Sannies Sugar Punch

    I got three seeds. They are fiminized. They been in my fridge since december 2014
  3. McFly1

    Super Soil pics and question
  4. McFly1

    outdoor worms problem ! help I use this stuff once a week and still don't get all of them. If you leave them unchecked they will ruin your plant, believe me I know.
  5. McFly1

    Damn Caterpillars In Cali.

    Those bastards come from moths, at least down here in San Diego they do. I don't know what you call them they look like little jets. They are kind of orange yellow looking and are all over the place. I hate them.
  6. McFly1

    Fox Farm Nutes....Please help!

    This may help some.