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  1. 2fish

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    ATTN COLORADO MMJ PPL: Here is an e-mail directory to let your representative know that HB 1284 is a bad idea. Please drop them a line and ask them to vote NO on HB1284. colorado general assembly directory
  2. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    No it's not 50/50. Bag seed can yield killer stuff. It just takes a little more care to ensure you don't pollinate your whole garden; and if you have several phenotypes, it takes a bit to figure out which is your keeper. Beware of people trying to give advice who don't know wtf they're talking...
  3. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    A great read, for sure. Peace, brother, I was really not trying to argue.
  4. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    DJ Short - The Origins of Blueberry Choosing your parents The place for breeding to begin is with choosing the parent plants, called the P1 generation. For best breeding results you use true-breeding stabilized strains as your P1's. Different breeders have different standards as to what...
  5. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    LOL! nice... did you just make a cross or did you take the time to backcross and stabilize the strain? I guess I was really talking about breeding for seeds and new strains, not just making crosses. I've done a ton of pollen-chucking, too, haha. Totally didn't mean to argue with you on...
  6. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    Sounds tasty, Chi. Have you read DJ Short's book?
  7. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    Not a cock-measuring contest, Chi. I'm glad to know you're bringing the love to the Windy City. I had a great time at the windycityweedfest at Cricket Hill in '93. That was around the time I bred my first strain. Peace
  8. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    you have a lot to learn, padawan.
  9. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    Have you ever heard of Thailand? pretty good landraces over there... how about Tibet? Panama? I said nothing about 20% THC. The entire cannabinoid complex is responsible for the buzz, along with the timing of the harvest. Overbreeding is not making cannabis better. Why do you think breeders...
  10. 2fish

    Dank from bag seed?

    The entire Chem family came from bagseed... Genetics is the most important factor. Read any breeder's website. Landraces are often fluffy, hermaphroditic buds, but the buzz is stellar, along with the resin content. Bagseed can be quite good. If you enjoyed the smoke, chances are that you'll...
  11. 2fish

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    This is how we do it in the Springs.
  12. 2fish

    Warehouse Grow

    Not federally. Don't go hog wild and end up in a federal penn. If you're growing more than your state-allowed personal plant count (if you're a "caregiver"), you should have a good attorney on retainer. Possibly a CPA, as well. You can busted just as fast for tax evasion as growing an "illegal"...
  13. 2fish

    Warehouse Grow

    google "recirculating deep water culture" 12 lights; 10 trees
  14. 2fish

    Warehouse Grow

    RDWC will give you the best yield in a commercial grow, hands down. Google recirculating deep water culture and check out some ideas. I have seen yields of 4 lbs per plant indoors. 12 vertical 1000w lights, 10 plants arranged between the lights in a checkerboard pattern. The system is insanely...
  15. 2fish

    Hi everyone!

    I am a registered CO patient and caregiver. I have long used cannabis to manage pain and for other things, but only in the last few years have I put my name on another government list... Long time fan of Subcool, and his growing techniques. Joined to learn more. Here's a little sample of what's...