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  1. JMH

    Super Thrive???? I need help...

    Ok thanks guys I was just trying it out to make sure that was ok to use. I diluted it quite a bit more than recommended but, it says to use every water so imma gonna try it out on this bag seed and maybe post pics to see if it works that well.
  2. JMH

    Super Thrive???? I need help...

    I got some super thrive its a hormone and vitamin booster in a nut shell. Now I tried it out on a few plants that just sprouted still in the dark and it doubled in height in a period of 24 hours is that healthy????
  3. JMH

    Lights Lights Lights

    are cfl's cheaper all in all?
  4. JMH

    Lights Lights Lights

    Are Cfl's that much more effecient when it comes to the electricity bill?
  5. JMH

    Lights Lights Lights

    What kind of lights should I get I'm only gonna have 4 girls. What is a cheep and effective way to approach this??
  6. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    Awesome thanks for the help this is my first grow. I'm getting excited but, I wanna do it right.
  7. JMH

    Keeping plants smaller???

    Thanks guys appreciate it!
  8. JMH

    Burpee Grow station

    bongsmilieI bought a Burpee brand grow kit. I just wanted to know if that brand of soil and fertalizer that came with it is any good?
  9. JMH

    Keeping plants smaller???

    Is there a way to make a plant smaller for a small grow area without taking away from your harvest that much.
  10. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    Is there a safe pestiside that I can use with my bagseed, that won't shock it too much?
  11. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    Alright man I appreciate it.
  12. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    And another question......Do i just need to concentrate on nitrogen and potassium seeing as I don't really know what I am doing since this is my first rodeo.
  13. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    Also can I transfer to a different medium and flush?
  14. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    I just wasn't sure if the fact that it was organic had any difference significantly.
  15. JMH

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    I just wanted to know any opinions on the material. Thanks for any help.
  16. JMH

    Back-yard dirt

    I live in missouri and there are some corn fields that they fertilize once a year. Would it be safe to use that soil?