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  1. J

    Odd little seed

    I germinated some seeds just screwing around.(i was going to throw them in my mean neighbors yard.) They were schwag and one seed germinated weird. The root was like two roots like a split end. Has anyone ever seen this before.
  2. J

    Lowes 150 w HPS $8.50!!!

    dang man thas a great price. Wish i could find That. im poor.
  3. J

    household items for nutrients.

    I would really like to know what household items that can be put into soil or water for growing. Some might not be household items but if you could name some brands that you could get anywhere in US that would be help. Also what is the best place to buy seeds from. Links would be good for that...
  4. J

    Possibly a new way to grow.

    Have you eveer been swimming and water catches on you eyelashes, well what if some oxygen bubble could stick to the leaves and then the leaves could absorb oxygen and then co2 dissolves in water so it might work. im not doing it right now but when i do i will post up here. its going to take some...
  5. J

    Possibly a new way to grow.

    well i thought it might work because you can have co2 and oxygen in water, i wasnt sure about flowering it underwater but everything would have to be precise. I thought it might just be crazy enough to work.
  6. J

    My future grow room.

    hey people ill start by saying thanks for any help i receive. I'm starting a grow room for 2-4 plants. I'm on a slim budget. I would like to stay under 200 dollars. I would really like a hydroponic set up. I am starting it in a shower that i dont use. Its 6 feet tall and 32 inches wide and 24...
  7. J

    Possibly a new way to grow.

    thanks you fucking assholes i appreciate all the insults and sarcasm.
  8. J

    Possibly a new way to grow.

    Hey people i was thinking about growing some plants underwater. Like totally underwater, then when its time to flower just use hydroponics technique. I would keep the water filled with oxygen and all he nutrients what do you think? if your going to say its stupid dont comment only comment if you...
  9. J

    My Super Grow Room

    damn man thats nice, im in motherfuckin dixie cups lol.