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  1. M

    Acidity or Moisture?

    We are referring to the pH of the water contained in the soil. However, things gets a little bit complicated when you try to analyze and understand details. First of all, pH depends on the acid concentration (technically it is -log of H+ activity, but I am not going to discuss every...
  2. M

    Question About Ph Meter

    storing pH electrode Forget about storing electrode dry, this is only for specialized electrodes that you will probably not see in your life (unless you live in the lab :) ).
  3. M

    ph meter for soil

    Rapitest type pH meters show pH that depends on the soil mositure level. To reliably measure soil pH you have to use normal pH meter with glass electrode and stick to the procedure as described here: measuring pH of soil and other procedures The most notable case of pH measurement problems...
  4. M

    What is a good ph meter?

    I am afraid you won't be very happy with that unit. I am tracing pH meters on several forums (both aquaristic and gardening) and general opinion is that cheap devices show what they want, not what you need.
  5. M

    what ph meter do you use for soil growing?

    Check out this pH of soil measurement procedure description. Note, that standard electrodes are rather fragile and using them in murky water when you don't see clearly the electrode nor the jar walls can easily lead to their destruction. There are electrodes specifically prepared for soil pH...