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  1. Plantguardian

    Investing For Stoner Newbs

    Check out, it's an investment "game" based in reality (the quotes are 15 min. behind real time). They give you $1,000,000 (virtual/play $) to invest in anything you want (as long as it's a stock). They give you all kinds of charts and graphs so you can do research on what you want...
  2. Plantguardian

    Buying Or Renting/Saving?

    Buying a home isn't always all it's cracked up to be. As an owner you pay for and fix whatever goes breaks or goes bad (like plumbing or the fridge biting the dust) and if you can't do it yourself you pay someone else to do it who does know how. If you're a renter and the fridge bites the dust...
  3. Plantguardian

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) and combination precious metal ETFs like (CEF) have been going up lately due to all the BS in Washington. As long as people are scared or wary of whats going on, precious metals will rise (along with metals like copper as well). They seem like a safe bet to the average...
  4. Plantguardian

    Why Are Potheads Losers?

    First off, good thread. :clap: Now what else was I gonna say, besides, I agree? :???: Oh yeah, well said as well. :grin:
  5. Plantguardian

    Least Amount Of Time Vegetating?

    Generally, the larger the plant the more bud you'll be able to harvest from it; however, to answer your question... You can put your plants into 12/12 any time after they have their first set of real leaves and in a few days you'll find out whether it's a boy or a girl. That said, I personally...