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  1. aaron1992

    Need Helps (Australia,Perth/any)

    Update : Auto Northern light seeds are really to germinate.
  2. aaron1992

    First grow help

    Seeds,Soil,Water,Light,Nutrition and finally knowledge is all you need
  3. aaron1992

    Need Helps (Australia,Perth/any)

    Hello Boys and Girls, I'm new. I'll be getting some Auto Seeds soon because easier to maintain. I'm planning to grow it outdoor and organic by using sunlight from the sky. Right now is very cold and am wondering what time/month of the year is best for us(Australians/Perth) to do so. And if...
  4. aaron1992

    How high are you ?

  5. aaron1992

    How far should my MH light be away from plant ?

    1.5 foot in between of your plant and light.
  6. aaron1992

    Hello Great Info TO All Beginners

    I'm a learner myself too. I found this from website and write by a Mexican. It covers almost everything you need to learn about marijuana. Read this and you'll be on your way in no time. :blsmoke: Here is the link Credit to the writer. Enjoy :weed:
  7. aaron1992

    Need Seeds

    There are many websites that sell high quality seeds. Google it
  8. aaron1992

    is it enough?

    Dont forget about the seeds.
  9. aaron1992

    Iam in Live chat right now

    Iam in Live chat right now
  10. aaron1992

    Need Helps From Aussie.

    Hi Mates, What is the PH of water in Perth ? I need some knowledge of what techniques you guys use to grow and what kinds of strains suit / best in Australia, Perth. THANKS YA :hug:
  11. aaron1992

    Hey Whats up Gobears4eva.

    Hey Whats up Gobears4eva.
  12. aaron1992

    First timer preparation.

    Thank you, I'll educate myself around all the growing and gardening stuff.
  13. aaron1992

    First timer preparation.

    Can you teach me about the SOG Setup ? Sounds really hard and troublesome.
  14. aaron1992

    First timer preparation.

    Hi goBear4eva first of all, thanks for taking your time to help me out. Ok Here goes, My Budget $100-800, max out . Sorry for the noob budget, as im a poor student. Hey The Nirvana-shop dont deliver to Australia no more. Please help me with this website
  15. aaron1992

    First timer preparation.

    Can you help me out with the whole setup ? As you know, I'm living under my parents roof, All i need small scale growing / small everything , because i don't want my parents to know the operation or whatever.
  16. aaron1992

    First timer preparation.

    Hello Guys and Girls. Here is my introduction to myself, no biggie. My name is Aaron, 18 years old. From Australia, I know.. its illegal. Me and my friends get buds from dealer, although we dont know what buds it is. Normally $25 a stick, which is very expensive, and i wonder why dont i grow...